Never Been Stamped


Registered Users (C)
hey guys, i have been on H1 for 6 years and my labor has been filed. i will soon get another extension on H1. I have never left US, so the passport has never been stamped. I guess my question is, can i get is stamped in Canada, Mexico, or do i have to go to India?

One of my friends is also in the same situation, I would really appreciate quick response from somebody. It's very critical for him to decide whether he needs to go to India or he can get his h1 stamping done from Canda or any other country. He never got H1 visa stamped in his passport, this would be first time.

Once again, pls respond to this question or let me know any link where some more info is available.

Thank you in advance.

I just got my H1B1 papers from the US last October 2004. Hence, I do not have a visa stamp in my passport. I need to know what countries I can go to for my H1B visa stamp.

To put simply...

What countries can a person get an H1B visas stamp?