Need your best wishes, case submitted


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Finally my case has been submitted for EB-1EA. My attorney e-filed and as everyone here predicted, the case went to TSC. The receipt date of my petition is April 9th. Yesterday, attorney mailed (Fedex) the supporting documents and also mailed the paper request for PP. Documents should be delivered there today.

I have already created a portfolio on USCIS site to track my case with a request for e-mail notification. There was one update yesterday and one today. What does these updates mean since they haven't received any documents so far. Are they going to send me an email on every update (I haven't received any email yet on these updates) or only when they reach a decision?

Another question, will they email me/attorney the receipt date of the PP so that I know when 15 days start? I mean how will I know that they have received PP documents other than tracking from Fedex site? Similarly, do they email that they have received the supporting documents or update on my case that supporting documents/PP request received?

Thanks to everyone for their support.
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hi Ludhianvi,
I have the same problem. I tracked USPS. My supporting documents has arrived. but there are no updates. Wish you good luck!
First, best wishes to you!

I think these updates are for the e-filing. They are not sending you emails for every LUD, in my case email was sent to me only when decision (NOID) was made.

LUD will show when they receive your PP request, then you will know when to start to count the 15-day period. And you attorney will receive a hard copy of the PP receipt notice. But you do not know if they receive your supporting materials (they do not show this in online status), maybe you can call their PP line when you receive the PP receipt notice.

Good luck!


Finally my case has been submitted for EB-1EA. My attorney e-filed and as everyone here predicted, the case went to TSC. The receipt date of my petition is April 9th. Yesterday, attorney mailed (Fedex) the supporting documents and also mailed the paper request for PP. Documents should be delivered there today.

I have already created a portfolio on USCIS site to track my case with a request for e-mail notification. There was one update yesterday and one today. What does these updates mean since they haven't received any documents so far. Are they going to send me an email on every update (I haven't received any email yet on these updates) or only when they reach a decision?

Another question, will they email me/attorney the receipt date of the PP so that I know when 15 days start? I mean how will I know that they have received PP documents other than tracking from Fedex site? Similarly, do they email that they have received the supporting documents or update on my case that supporting documents/PP request received?

Thanks to everyone for their support.
Hi Ludihanvi,

I had a similar situation. I E-filed EB1A case on April 6 to TSC and since then I have been seeing LUDs almost everyday. It was April 7, 10, 11, 12 but the online status has not changed.

One more question. Can you make a paper based PP request without I-797 receipt? In the form I-907 it indicates that we must attach a copy of I-797 receipt.


Thanks gc_er for your response, this helps a lot. I am sorry to hear about your NOID. What happened? Are you responding to it or what?

triv, I also thought that PP request can only be filed after I-797 receipt (from reading the instructions on the I-907 form), but my attorney said that since we got the receipt number we should be good. I hope my attorney is right.
Have you submitted your supporting documents? If yes, when did they receive it? Good luck with your application.
As per USPS my supporting documents were received by them on April 10. I am waiting for I-797 to upgrade my case to PP. Why there are so many LUDs?
LUD happens when anyone in USCIS touches your application.

Data entry into computer, going through your documents etc etc. When initial processing is complete and it's not your turn, your file is stored (term called "Shelving"). When adjudicator starts on your file you will start seeing LUD change again.

You get email for any change in status (where the actual message on your case status changes not for mere LUD) for example, upgrade to PP, RFE, NOID and approval.

I think the change of status information is not real-time and this info is probably updated once or twice a day and that is why you will see notices at off times (in my case 10 PM and some people get updates on weekends and the next day of the status change).

That is my understanding of the process from filing and following applications with USCIS over time. It may not be entirely true.

Hope that helps.

Good luck Ludihanvi
I have the same situation. I e-filed my 140 on April 9, the this morning April 12 they received my supporting documents (as per USPS tracking system). I have seen LUDs as April 10, April 11. So I guess I will wait for one or two more days and hopefully I can see more LUDs. Then I will e-file PP (I-907).

BTW, if I want to call to find out if they received my documents or not, is the 1-800-375-5283 number on the e-receipt the right one to call?
I e-filed on March 9 while still preparing the supporting documents. Saw LUDs on 11 and 13. Mailed everything on 14, USPS said they received it on 17. More LUDs on 19, 21, 23 and 24. Sent I-907 electronically on April 3, received three emails that evening about upgrade to PP, then fake approval next morning, another LUD on 4 and status change to PP request received. Next LUD on 4/10. 4/11 morning another LUD, two emails from CRIS and status changed to Approval notice sent.

So I had many LUDs before PP but no LUDs til approval, while docny had a LUD every day after PP.
Congrats, Toltek. There is no relation between LUDs and approval. Only GOD knows how it works... :)

Toltek - Can you post your credentials here for the benefit of others?


I e-filed on March 9 while still preparing the supporting documents. Saw LUDs on 11 and 13. Mailed everything on 14, USPS said they received it on 17. More LUDs on 19, 21, 23 and 24. Sent I-907 electronically on April 3, received three emails that evening about upgrade to PP, then fake approval next morning, another LUD on 4 and status change to PP request received. Next LUD on 4/10. 4/11 morning another LUD, two emails from CRIS and status changed to Approval notice sent.

So I had many LUDs before PP but no LUDs til approval, while docny had a LUD every day after PP.
I e-filed on March 9 while still preparing the supporting documents. Saw LUDs on 11 and 13. Mailed everything on 14, USPS said they received it on 17. More LUDs on 19, 21, 23 and 24. Sent I-907 electronically on April 3, received three emails that evening about upgrade to PP, then fake approval next morning, another LUD on 4 and status change to PP request received. Next LUD on 4/10. 4/11 morning another LUD, two emails from CRIS and status changed to Approval notice sent.

So I had many LUDs before PP but no LUDs til approval, while docny had a LUD every day after PP.

It is a very predictable trend trend....let me explain..

In my case PP request 4/2 and the next day LUD 4/3 (initial processing)
They immediately started working on my application and hence LUD 4/4, 4/5,(adjudication) and 4/6 (post approval day 1)

In you case PP request 4/2 and then the next day 4/3 (initial processing)
In your case adjudicator did not touch your application until 4/10 and then 4/11 (adjudication)

I hope I make sense.
Hi Ludhianvi,

Any progress in your case? I recently sent PP request for my case, I don't think they have received my request yet. I am seeing LUDs in my case everyday but no emails or change in online status.

Hi Triv:

My documents were delivered there yesterday. Actually, my attorney mailed both the premium processing request and supporting documents together, in one packet to Dallas address. I dont know if this is a good idea or not, and I dont know where the supporting documents were supposed to be mailed according to the receipt notice, but then there was nothing I could do about it. Neither have I seen an update since yesterday nor received an email that my PP clock starts ticking now. Does anyone know how many days before I get an email from USCIS that they have received my PP request?

Hi Ludhianvi,

Any progress in your case? I recently sent PP request for my case, I don't think they have received my request yet. I am seeing LUDs in my case everyday but no emails or change in online status.

Usually within 2 days of receiving the PP request, you and your lawyer should receive email confirmation and a fake approval email.

Hi Triv:

My documents were delivered there yesterday. Actually, my attorney mailed both the premium processing request and supporting documents together, in one packet to Dallas address. I dont know if this is a good idea or not, and I dont know where the supporting documents were supposed to be mailed according to the receipt notice, but then there was nothing I could do about it. Neither have I seen an update since yesterday nor received an email that my PP clock starts ticking now. Does anyone know how many days before I get an email from USCIS that they have received my PP request?

At TSC, it seems Mesquitte is only about 5 miles away from Dallas, so I am sure they will take care of the package no matter where it is sent. I wish USCIS liberalizes the GC process at least for the qualified people. I spent so much time in document preparation and now in anticipation of progress that it is really affecting my work. I mean sooner or later they have to issue GC.

I don't why I have so many LUDs before PP, I made a self-petition so I hope everything is OK.

I agree with you Triv on that USCIS liberalizes the GC process, actually Congress needs to do something about it, USCIS merely does what it is authorized to do, so I dont think USCIS is to be blamed for the delay. We are going get GC one day or other, but this applying and gathering the material affects work. I dont know about others, but I couldn't concentrate on my work when I was gathering the information and now when I am waiting.

I just wish one of the rumors (or if it was a bill) that anyone who gets a higher degree from US should be given GC/citizenship along with the degree, man that would have been awesome. We are going through this process now and we think that the process should be easy, just think about the people who marry a GC holder, they have to wait like 3-5 years to get to US and it is hard for them to even get a tourist visa in this period.

Other thing, is I think it is going to be better for illegal immigrant in this country as it seems that sooner or later they will all be awarded citizenship while we legal people will be left in the lurch. May be if all the legal people who are going through this process get together then Congress will listen to our plight too..I dont know if it is possible or not, but just a thought.


At TSC, it seems Mesquitte is only about 5 miles away from Dallas, so I am sure they will take care of the package no matter where it is sent. I wish USCIS liberalizes the GC process at least for the qualified people. I spent so much time in document preparation and now in anticipation of progress that it is really affecting my work. I mean sooner or later they have to issue GC.

I don't why I have so many LUDs before PP, I made a self-petition so I hope everything is OK.

It is a very predictable trend trend....let me explain..

I hope I make sense.

Yes, it makes sense, I agree with you. I was just saying that I had several LUDs almost every day before PP. After PP your case was approved almost immediately, mine has not been touched for a week and then approved on the same day. All this indicates that PP people at TSC are doing their job very well, which is very encouraging for the others.

I received the most help from this forum prepairing my application. Actually I was planning to do NIW last summer but was waiting for two very important letters and then in February almost by accident learned about the magic of efile+PP at TSC and decided to give it a try.

My credentials: I am from non-retro country, PhD in physical sciences from the top 10 US university (but more like top 30 in graduate studies in my field), 2003, now on my second postdoc. 17 papers in US journals, ten as a first author, 100+ citations. Twelve presentations (oral and posters) at international conferences (all in US). Seven letters from US, written for NIW last summer, three from my bosses, two from top universities and two from goverment agencies (personal, not endorsed by the agency, one person is actually retired). By the way, all wrote the letters themselves, but they do know me and my work pretty well.

My cover letter was only 5 pages double spaced. I included all my papers in full and only relevant pages from citations, highlighting the journal and a paragraph in text discussing my results. I also included journal rankings, some statistics and internet printouts about importance of the field in general.
Any idea on how long will it usually takes to receive I-797? Is it possible to get our case transffered to a different processing center, and if so will that information appear on I-797 or we will get a different notice for that? My concern is I didn't wait for my I-797 to arrive before upgrading my case to PP.


I efiled and immediately received pdf with receipt number and instructions for mailing supporting documents, which is as good as I-797 IMHO. I submitted my documents together with printout of this pdf. Later I efiled I-907 and got the same pdf receipt and almost immediate status change. I-797 for both I-140 and I-907 arrived about a week later. Now I am waiting for paper approval.