Need Your Advice


New Member
My company has got one approved labour certificate(RIR/EB2). Before I have joined
  this company I have bachlors degree (3years)+2years diploma in computers+9years experince in software development. Before I came to USA I have discontinued my master\'s(MCA)
  degree back in INDIA. I have failed two papers for final year. I am plannig to go to
  the India to write this papers. If I pass then will my master\'s degree help to get I14O
  clear.Some people are saying you can always use this labour with your master\'degree if
  you clear all exams in master\'s degree.Could you plese tell me I am supposed to do.I am willing to take two weeks
vocation for India trip for clearing exams. What is your opinon? If I pass
and if my master\'s are not useful for this labour then I would like to clear
my exams next year.
Can I use my MS degree?

I started my job 6 months ago. I finished all my MS degree requirements except the defense at that time. I did my defense this January and got the degree. Now my company will apply LC for me. Can I use this MS degree for labor? Which status is important, the status when I joined the company or the status when the LC got filed?

Please help. Thanks.