Need to write to Congressman, please help!


Registered Users (C)
 my file was transferred to a local INS in Jacksonville on July 7th (no reason provided). I have gone a couple of times to the local office and inquired about my case and both times the officer told me that the file looks perfect and everything is in place. When I asked how long will it take to get the appointment for the interview the answer was "you will have to wait", then I asked for a time frame and I got the phrase "a few months".
  The transfer notices for me and my wife show:
  "Preliminary processing of this petition or application has been completed"

  Now guys, why would it take months to set up an appointment for an interview?

  I have decided to step forward and write to our local congressman, but I don\'t know the formalities of this type of communication and how should my letter be structured.

  If anyone on this board have done this and can provide me with guidelines I will eternally grateful.

My info:
RD: 05/00
ND: 06/00
FP: 01/01

Contacting Congressional Members

First, find the name of the House Rep or Senator in the phonebook under government listings then call their local office in your constiuency or State. The office will guide you from there. You can also use the govenment websites to locate your appropriate members:

For Senators:

For House Reps:

Good Luck!
Thanks Rafiq1

I have identified the local congressman I need to contact. Now, which way will be better for my situation.. calling directly or writing a letter?

 If the answer is writing a letter, please provide me with the an idea on how should be the format of the letter (headings, greeting and ending).

 I fear not having a job in the next couple of months (bench right now).

Guys, please help.

call first

I have done this.
First call them , ask to talk to some one in the immigration section. tell the person there about your problem. They know all about AOS and its problems. That person will probably tell you to fax him/her your information. Then they will pursue it with the local INS.
You can also contact your senators office the same was. Just find out the name of your senator, and call directory assistance for the phone number of his/her office in the capital city of your state. They also have a immigration section there. Talk the same way there too.
Sanjig, did it work for you?

did it improve or expedite your application?
Please provide details.

I went personally to the office of my local congressman

and the only thing they said they can do is to inquire how long will it take to get the appointment. They said they cannot expedite the process.

 Please somebody let me know what else can be done.

