Need new script after new changes on USCIS web site


Registered Users (C)
I tried the old script to run against 02-222 , but due to the change on the INS web site, it is not working.

Any one have updated script?

Not updating the Dates

With Modified script, I can get to the site and in browser it is showing data, but it is not updating any thing in the xls sheet.

I have tried both Macros.

Any specific instruction for using the script ?

It updated my xls file properly with both macros. I don't know why you have the problem. You can try to scan a new date and see what happens.

There is nothing special to use the script. I do like this:

Open the script->Tools->macro->macros->I485Scan->eac02-271->ok
Last 4 col are not updating.

I tried the new dates, and found that the modified script is updating the first 4 cols, but NOT updating the last 4 cols ("Transferred To","Scanned On","Old Status" &"old StatDt")

What's your observation ?
Found the issue

Finally I found the issue.

I think U have old script, that don't have last 4 cols. I did some modification in my script and everything looks OK now.

Thanks for ur help !
