Need more signatures on the petition spread the word

Almost there....


We're almost there...just need to cross the 200 signatures mark and Rajiv will then forward the petition to USCIS top officials, FO, as well as Mr. Yates.
This is what he replied me y'day.

I can't wait for it to get elevated to that level. Please keep your faith alive and let's fight for our cause.
I have signed the petition. Hopefully, USCIS will start to process the concurrent filer I140 very soon. At least they should process I140 even the I485 is not ready.
What's Going on IN NSC????

I don't understand why we need 200 signatures?? :confused: :confused:

Can't this petition be filed now? :confused: I am really frustating seeing no change in the I-140 date for the past several months.

Please Mr. Rajiv ~ file this petition ASAP. We all be greatfull to you.

Thanks very much in Advance :)
Its 201 Now!

It crossed 200 now!! :) :)

What's next..

Mr. Rajiv ~ Now we have 200+ signatures..Please have the petition file ASAP.

Thanks a lot in Advance.

Please be a little courteous to Rajiv. He is doing us this huge favor.
Dont make it sound like we paid him to do this.

We have some duplicates, so we need more signatures to really get passed 200.

Action will be taken soon...

Rajiv informed me that he will be now soon taking the petition to the next level, i.e., forwarding it to the top officials in the USCIS including Mr. Yates, FO, etc.

I'll update the forum as soon as I hear next from him.
Stay tuned!
good job aws !!


You efforts are very much appreciated and thanks for updating everyone.
Great job AWS !!

Great job aws !!
Thanks for all your's & Rajiv's help in this regard.
Hope this move will greatly help all of us soon.


Do any of you out there have any idea if the above petition was forwarded to the USCIS top guys? Anything else we can do or should do?

Also, my friend told me that there is an Indian lobby/ies affiliated to both the Republican as well as the Democratic parties (Its election year and both parties are trying to woo the minority segments). Do you think it will be worth while to send a petition to our desi friends with high connections and ask them to plead our case with the higher ups?

Yes that is correct

That is worth giving a shot at , things may come good. Election year anything is possible.

When Mr. Rajiv is submitting this appeal. Please provide updates if there are any

Thanks to you and other team members for taking the initiative. Hope we will succeed ;)


Monica just informed me that she has created a spread sheet of email ids of all the officials at CIS that Rajiv plans to send the petition to.

I think they will e-mail the petition no later than end of this week. So hopefully, we will give "sleepless moments" to them in return to the numerous "sleepless nights" we had due to this I-140 processing halt :rolleyes:

I'll update the forum when I hear more from her.