• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Need information


New Member
Hi everyone!
I'm a DV2005 lottery winner and i,ve been to the interview. The problem encountered was that in moment when i've signed up for dv lottery i've mistakelly changed the first name with the middle name. In all the documents i have showed to the consul the name is " familyname 1stname middlename ", and in the forms that KCC received from me is middlename 1stname familyname. :(
Can someone tell me if there is any chance to receive visa?
They gave me a paper that says that i'm illegible because "administrative processing required. We will contact U" and i have to wait for an answer from in the next month. I've to say that i've already signed DS-230 part 2. 1st time when i was to the consulate they didn't notice this but i had to bring them the high school diploma. I've get it and i went to the consulate for the 2nd time when they noticed the problem described above.
Have someone experienced this?!
Thanks for all information that i'll receive
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I came here as student, but mistakenly worked without authorization. Now , my wife won the Dv-lottery. Is there a way for me to still apply for the change of status to PR? Please help me.
How could you work without authorization? Your best chance is to get an advise from a lawyer. Usually first consultation is free. And please don't jsut open the yellow pages to find a lawyer. Ask around. It's the best way.
if you worked for cash, you may have very little trouble. If you worked for a check, you have to list that employment in the applications and tell the truth if asked about it at the interview.