Need ideas on the fastest way to get wife into the US


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Hey guys, I just got my green card and am a permanent resident since 4/15/05. My Fianceè is currently in the Philippines, and I'm planning to go over there to to get married soon.

I know that thru the regular process an immigrant visa number has to be available to her, before she can enter the country... but we all know how backed-up that process is :rolleyes: . What other options do I have (if any) to speed things up? Thanks for your replies :) !
dhakaya said:
Hey guys, I just got my green card and am a permanent resident since 4/15/05. My Fianceè is currently in the Philippines, and I'm planning to go over there to to get married soon.

I know that thru the regular process an immigrant visa number has to be available to her, before she can enter the country... but we all know how backed-up that process is :rolleyes: . What other options do I have (if any) to speed things up? Thanks for your replies :) !

Hey Dhakya. I thought you were already married and got your green card through your wife. Is that not ture?

Anyway, you can get her here on H-1 or F-1. What was your status before you got green card? If it was F-1 or H-1, it would have been better if you had invited here on H-4 before getting green card.


EricNeesGC said:
Hey Dhakya. I thought you were already married and got your green card through your wife. Is that not ture?

Anyway, you can get her here on H-1 or F-1. What was your status before you got green card? If it was F-1 or H-1, it would have been better if you had invited here on H-4 before getting green card.


Actually I got my residency via the I-360 (self petition) route. So to answer your question.. no I am not married. Although sometimes I think that it's better left that way :D

But my heart belongs to this perfect girl I met and dated here in Dallas, while she was attending school. But unfortunately she finished her studies and went back home before my stuff was straightened out. And now I'm not even sure if she could get an F-1 visa, as she got her degree already. But at the same time I would like to avoid the 3-4 year wait to get her here... if I could help it.

BTW, what's goin on with your case.. any updates?
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dhakaya said:
BTW, what's goin on with your case.. any updates?

My case is still pending name check clearance. I hope its done by the end of this month. I called the FBI office and they said that they are processing first week of December right now. My last case status update is 12/7. So I believe my case would be on someone's desk waiting for an approval stamp.

I guess the best way for your to-be-wife to come to US is H-1. If she has a nursing degree, she may get a green card also. Although, I have not done any research for a green card through that avenue.
Guys, need your help w/ some specifics again. Does anyone know for sure, the average time currently for bringing the wife of an LPR to the US, from the Philippines?? I know it may vary by country... but the USCIS time lines were pretty confusing when I looked at the chart for processing dates for I-130s. On one it said Apr01 and the other one right below said "C" for current.
Need your advice!

This is a new comer from Shanghai in China and I appreciate your kind helps.
My boyfriend is in US for about ten years and got the green card in September,2002. Do you think it is possible that he can help me apply for the visa as my being his fiancee? How fast will the process last?
Thanks a lot!