need help!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
All, Does anybody knows how long does it take for INS to change my address by writing them note, one month? two month? Also can I do it through phone, seems does not work.

Thanks a lot
No Title

I would call them. It can be online. I would check after a while again to make sure adrees is changed.
No Title

I would call them. It can be done online. I would check after a while again to make sure adrees is changed.
No Title

I spoke to an IIO and she gave me an address to send the details for address change. Your attorneys shd. also mail a change of address form. And then you have to confirm with the IIO couple of times to ensure the address change was done. Usually it does not take that much time as long as you ensure everytime you/your attorney call them.

No Title

Thanks for the info. They are very helpful.
New_485, If this can be done on line, is that mean you can change the address through some website? Or if that just means after call the IIO, the infomation goes to the system right away. PLease reply.


No Title

Right now there is no web site to do your address change to INS. You have to call the IIO and let them know about the address change.
