Need help - Processing time for request for review


Registered Users (C)
My PERM application (Chicago Centre) was denied because the Prevailing Wage determination wasn't valid for atleast 90days. My lawyer obtained a new wage from EDD and filed a request for review.
Does anyone know how long does it take before a decision is made on your request for review? And how does the PERM centre notify about their decision?

I am paying for my GC out of my own pocket so have to decide if its worthwhile to wait for request for review decision or file a new case while my job AD's are still valid.

Any info will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance !!!
File a new one! Request for review is an ardous process and the certifying officer will usually defend his decision. So it is better to call up the certifying officer that denied your case and let him know that you are making a correction and filing afresh. File afresh and call him again and follow up with him to certify it. It may sometimes even be instantaneous
perm stinks

creative10,others, w.r.t. request-for-review (RFR), you mention that its possible to call up the denying officer.. but on most PERM denials it seems like the denial was automatic.. as in issued by the computer.. what is the best approach in that case.. does anyone know how long it would take to get a response on a RFR? thanks.
I have the same problem:

My PERM got denied, the reason for denial was that the prevailing wage rate expiration date was less than 90days. The thing is the prevailing wage rate was requested in mid-Oct and on the wage rate form it mentions that this wage rate is valid until the end of the year (ie Dec 31,2005.) which means it is not possible for the prevailing wage to be more thand 90 days.

Is it worth appealing the case or should I refile. If I refile I would have to start the PERM process from the beginning as my ads are now over 6mths old.

Please advise.
