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I am going to sile a political asylum application next week.

I have some questions

1. what document should I submit along with an application?

2. do I have to submit original documents, or copies will be ok?

4. what about evidence?

5. what if 15 months passed from the date of entry in the U.S.? are there any exceptions? or they immediately turn down all the application not filed within one year period?

6. Do they take an interview? if yes, when?

7. If asylum seeker is in legal non-immigrant status, does it count as an advantage? or it does not matter whether you're illegal or legal while applying for an asylum?

Please advice. I desperately need your assistance.

1. what document should I submit along with an application?

First of all are you going with a lawyer or on your own. If you are going with the lawyer they will do all the paperwork for you. If you are not going with the lawyer then you will need to submit an I-589 along with your evidence to the Asylum office in the state you reside in.

2. do I have to submit original documents, or copies will be ok?

Depends what type of documents you are submitting.

4. what about evidence?

Same as number 2

5. what if 15 months passed from the date of entry in the U.S.? are there any exceptions? or they immediately turn down all the application not filed within one year period?

You must have a compelling reason why didn’t you file within 12 months.

6. Do they take an interview? if yes, when?

Interview is a must.

7. If asylum seeker is in legal non-immigrant status, does it count as an advantage? or it does not matter whether you're illegal or legal while applying for an asylum?

Depends on the judge.
1. what document should I submit along with an application?

First of all are you going with a lawyer or on your own. If you are going with the lawyer they will do all the paperwork for you. If you are not going with the lawyer then you will need to submit an I-589 along with your evidence to the Asylum office in the state you reside in.

2. do I have to submit original documents, or copies will be ok?

Depends what type of documents you are submitting.

4. what about evidence?

Same as number 2

5. what if 15 months passed from the date of entry in the U.S.? are there any exceptions? or they immediately turn down all the application not filed within one year period?

You must have a compelling reason why didn’t you file within 12 months.

6. Do they take an interview? if yes, when?

Interview is a must.

7. If asylum seeker is in legal non-immigrant status, does it count as an advantage? or it does not matter whether you're illegal or legal while applying for an asylum?

Depends on the judge.

Thank you so much for your response.
34 users viewed this thread and only you posted answers. I highly appreciate it :)

I have other questions:

1. attorney asked to submit all the papers to him. I guess he's gonna send them to USCIS himself. I payed him a lot, seems he does not care about my case. Does lawyer present at the interview with an asylee?

2. documents are very important for me, I am worried if orignals would be lost at INS office.
what kind of supporting documents should i send along with I-589? ONLY evidence OR Passports, birth/marriage/death certificates, diplomas, etc?

4. can pregnancy be compelling reason?

5. How long after filing I-589, asylum seekers usally will be invited for an interview?
1. attorney asked to submit all the papers to him. I guess he's gonna send them to USCIS himself. I payed him a lot, seems he does not care about my case. Does lawyer present at the interview with an asylee?
Yes, give him all the paperwork he will submited to CIS and take care of that.

2. documents are very important for me, I am worried if orignals would be lost at INS office. what kind of supporting documents should i send along with I-589? ONLY evidence OR Passports, birth/marriage/death certificates, diplomas, etc?
In few cases USCIS has missplaced original proof documentation; however, make copies of all the documents and keep them yourself.
Ask your lawyer what documents he needs. I am sure he will need all the supporting documents you have about your case.

4. can pregnancy be compelling reason?
Not very compelling to me. However, your lawyer may be able to expand on that...

5. How long after filing I-589, asylum seekers usally will be invited for an interview?
It really depends on your state and asylum office... in general is within 60 days.
Yes, give him all the paperwork he will submited to CIS and take care of that.

In few cases USCIS has missplaced original proof documentation; however, make copies of all the documents and keep them yourself.
Ask your lawyer what documents he needs. I am sure he will need all the supporting documents you have about your case.

Not very compelling to me. However, your lawyer may be able to expand on that...

It really depends on your state and asylum office... in general is within 60 days.

Thank you sooo much! You're very helpful :)
If I where you, I would only send copies. They will not return originals. If you send your original passport or birth certificate or I-95 you will never see them again.

Ask your lawyer, he will give you the best advise.
Yep,if you submit any original documents you can kiss them goodbye as you will never see ém again!

Regarding your legal status during your asylum i think being out of status has one advantage which is if the IO denies your case you will be referred to IJ,but if your visa is still valid you will be issued a deportation order right should always consult with your lawyer and don't just take my words as absolute facts!
good luck.
. Never send your original documents... unless USCIS asks for it specifically.

. Don't depend 100 % on your lawyer. Try to get as much information about
Asylum its Application procedure, decision type etc. check
and search for Asylum in search box.... and check the links it displays about

.What kind of legal status are you in? I think if your r in Student visa one year bar doesn't apply to you but iam not 100% confident about that so ask your lawyer.

. You can submit the supporting documents that will help you to prove your statement( your story what happened or will happen to you) don't submit a lot of unnecessary documents. since Asylum officer will have all the information about your country's situation ( human rights, law and order, etc..). and remember nobody plans from there country to come here and apply for asylum so it can be understandable that you may not have or it is impossible to collect the evidence. Your statement is or should be considered a fact or truth (according to supreme court...:rolleyes: )

. and remember whatever you are telling them in your asylum application or statement is considered to be true and they will want to hear same story from you at interview and if your story is true you should be able to tell them the exact thing that your are submitting in your application so be very carefull about your story read (10 times:confused: ) it to make sure that you know what is in there.

. They are very fast now a days. If everything is normal you will have your interview in 4 weeks and decision after 2 weeks of interview. There are exceptions though.

.if your are in legal status and you are still maintaining the legal status at the time of asylum decision and if they deny it, thats it. you still can stay as long as you are maintaining your other legal status. Nobody will deport you.

its just like if you r a visitor to this country and want to obtain a Driving licence you can apply for it but they won't give because acording to law you r not entitled for it. but they won't deport you either:D
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Colombian PR, NYcancerian,

thank you so much!!! I appreciate your advice.


I can't thank you enough. I wish you were my lawyer :p
I am an F1 student.
I don't think lawyer will help. He took all money beforehand, and whenever I ask question he opens immigration law books and starts reading for hours... and I am paying $150 per hour:mad:
as a matter of fact, when I asked him about original/copies, he said I'll turn in original. what a dumb:(
Hi, Luckycharm,

I am not a lawyer but I would like to share with you my experience in asylum application with you as I was a non-immigrant student before my asylum application.

1) If you have maintained legal non-immigrant status throughout, the 12 month limit would be relaxed or lifted, but you might want to explain why you didnot apply within the 12 months after you entered this country in your application or be prepared to answer that question at the immigration interview. I was on my non-immigrant student visa for a lot longer than 12 months, during which I never returned to my COP due to fears of persecution, and I provided my personal specific reason why I couldnot make the 12 month timeline in my application. I was also prepared to answer the question for my asylum interview, but the 12 month issue was never brought up in the interview, but it could be just that the interviewer was already convinced of my explanation on paper, NOT because it didnot matter.

2) Applying for asylum while on legal status has both pros and cons, in MY PERSONAL OPINION. The pros are that if your asylum is denied, you will still maintain your legal status( you will NOT be sent to an immigration judge facing the possibility of immediate deportation). The cons are that if your asylum is denied, and you leave this country for a short perioud of time and try to apply a second non-immigrant entry visa, you might be questioned on "immigration intention" judging from your asylum application, which is ground for denial for your non-immigrant visa. The other con( my personal opinion) is that if the interviewer deems you ineligible, you will be sent an intent to denial first, and you have sixteen days to appeal/rebut the decision, and if you donot succeed in appeal, your case will be closed and you will not get a chance to appear in front of a judge( unless you stay out of your status and reactivate your case again, and be denied again, but I donot suggest this at all). For me, I would rather appear in front of a judge, who I am sure will be convinced that my ground for asylum application is totally true and my fears are definitely true, plus that I speak English as if it were my mother tongue.

This happened to me: I applied for asylum all on my own, as I felt nobody could explain the sufferings better than myself as the sufferer in my COP, and got an intent to denial two months after my interview, which surprised me as I felt the interview went very smoothly. I called up an attorney who read my letter, and told me basically to just let it go and her exact words were " this actually is one of the most detailed and convincing intent to denial letter that I have ever seen, and I really donot think you stand a chance and I wouldnot want to take your money for a case which I donot think stand a chance of winning". I didnot give up, however, as I see weaknesses in the reasoning of the denial, and rebutted vehemently with more evidence and logical reasoning. Two months later, I got the approval. In retrospect, I probably should have hired an attorney to begin for the "commanding respect " factor, as I feel that with an attorney present, the interviewer should be at his(her) best behavior, and if you are denied, your attorney is expected to help you pinpoint what went wrong in the interview.

Again, above is my personal experience and opinion, so please donot take it as the "rulebook" or too literally. Everybody's situation and experience are unique, but one thing universal, I think, should be that your fear of persecution is grounded and that your past persecution is real, and you convey it in a believable manner to the asylum reviewer.

Best luck in your asylum application!
I am going to sile a political asylum application next week.

I have some questions

1. what document should I submit along with an application?

2. do I have to submit original documents, or copies will be ok?

4. what about evidence?

5. what if 15 months passed from the date of entry in the U.S.? are there any exceptions? or they immediately turn down all the application not filed within one year period?

6. Do they take an interview? if yes, when?

7. If asylum seeker is in legal non-immigrant status, does it count as an advantage? or it does not matter whether you're illegal or legal while applying for an asylum?

Please advice. I desperately need your assistance.

As others have pointed out, do NOT turn in any original documents to the USCIS unless you are specifically told by them to submit an original.

Everyone is entitled to an interview to explain his failure to file within one year of arriving in the United States. There is no automatic rejection. The good news is that having a lawful immigration status (like you do) usually excuses you from filing within one year. Also they take into account your pregnancy.

As far as I know, most immigration lawyers charge a flat fee for asylum cases, rather than billing hourly.

I appreciate your detailed answer on the matter. This is exactly what I was looking for :) Frankly speaking, I am not familiar with asylum process and I am new to this forum

I was concerned about some questions in I-589.


1 year bar (I've been living in the States for 15 months),

after leaving the COP and before coming to the U.S., I studied in Europe. There is another question, why I did not apply for an asylum in EU.

and while studying in Europe, I visited COP for a week. This is another question of my concern.

However, before leaving COP for Europe, I changed my name. And visited COP with changed name...

So I'm a bit confused :confused: :confused: :confused:

You will have to answer these two questions honestly. These two questions are important because the second question goes to the heart of your credibility and the first question helps them decide if you abused the asylum system of the United States.

i APPRECIATE your time and assistance on the matter.

thank you.

p.s. initially attorney charged $150/h, after that I decided to pay flat rate.

by the way, how much usually lawyers charge for asylum application?
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I Desperately Need A Reliable Lawyer.

Could You Please Recommend One? Preferably In Tn Or In Adjacent States.

Thank You.
THey might have names of lawyers that might b able to help

as I understood, they do not charge for services, do they?
I am not sure if they handle immigration/asylum and protection cases. the only thing i noticed, that they support immigrants to receive public benefits,

By the way, did you use their services? would you recommend legal aid?
What about the quality of the service?

I am very dissapointed with my attorney right now. After receiving full fee, he seems not care about my case. Do you think I can receive my money back? I already paid flat rate but I did not filed my application yet.
I am a novice myself. I believe I have a strong case to apply for asylum but I am hesitant.

Anyway, this is what I think about the paper work:

In US, your chances of success will improve considerably if you are represented by a lawyer. You won’t be pushed around if USCIS decides too.

Never ever, ever submit original documents to anyone unless you have to. Get photocopies of the originals and certify these copies with the authorities. Send the certified copies to USCIS and your immigration attorney.

Gather all information you need. Which information and which evidence – that depends on your case. If you have been detained in your home country unlawfully, and bashed a couple of times. Get the supporting documents that you have been detained, that you do belong a particular political group, you have a totalitarian ruler in your country, and you have spent time in hospital after harsh treatment from the authorities in your home country.
This is only an example, but you should have an idea. Talk to your lawyer. They know better than most people.
I got an ABLE lawyer

as I understood, they do not charge for services, do they?
I am not sure if they handle immigration/asylum and protection cases. the only thing i noticed, that they support immigrants to receive public benefits,

By the way, did you use their services? would you recommend legal aid?
What about the quality of the service?

I am very dissapointed with my attorney right now. After receiving full fee, he seems not care about my case. Do you think I can receive my money back? I already paid flat rate but I did not filed my application yet.

who happens to be very good

this helped me because I dont have much money

I was in a car accident last year