Need help on advance payroll


Registered Users (C)
Hi ,

My AP got expired in Oct. I re-applied for it on
27th Sept. I have some urgent situation came up and need to go to India. But I still haven't received my AP approval. Can I go to local INS office to expedite the process. Your input is highly appreciated.

No harm trying. They will ask for documentary proof of the emergency.
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Please post your experience after you get your emergency AP and details of the document that you provided. This will help lot of people who are waiting for ever for an approved AP. I wish you all success in getting an AP on emergency grounds.

Thanks in Advance
I think they stop the local processing for AP. but does not harm to check. please update after your experience.
You have to get there very early in the morning so that you get into the building before they run out of tokens.

Even if you cannot get the token, go to the inquiry window, tell them your story (you will have to act a little :) ), show them the proof. ... may be if you are lucky...

If it is a medical emergency in family, I think you will get it. Unlikely otherwise. Just my openion.
Not approved

Hi Friends,

Just wanted to share my experience. I went to my local INS office to expedite my pending advance-parole application. The reason was that my father was hospitalized. I got the doctor's letter
saying so. But they wanted something more. The lady told me that they can only approve such case in death/near-to-death situation of your close relative (e.g father and mother). My father was in serious health condition, but not in as bad shape, so they rejected my appeal. They will not understand the emotional turmoil my family is going through. Hard to beileve , how immigrants are treated !

Just shared some info.. which would be helpful to some.