Need help.....interview


Registered Users (C)

I will appreciate if you appeared for an interview and would share your experience.

What they asked?

things I should be careful about.

Documents I should carry with me, the iterview letter states general requirements.

Should I hire a lawyer to go with me?

please let me know. thanks
Transfer - CSC to San Diego local office


I checked with INS website and I was told that my case was transferred to San Diego local office for scheduling an interview. From your messages above, I think you have received an interview notice. Could you share with me when you are going to have an interview? what are the things they are asking for? Currently I am looking for an attorney. Could you also let me know who will be good on this issue?

Thanks in advance.

I have not received my interview notice. One attorney told me that you will get an interview in Chulavista Office usually.