Need help - I485 approves - new job to apply?


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Hi guys,

I got my I-485 approved in October and my passport stamped in Hartford on November 1st 2004. Still waiting for my green card in the mail to arrive.

When is the safest time I leave the company that sponsored me so I won't jeopardize my green card status?

Thank you :)
30-60-90 Rule

iunie said:
When is the safest time I leave the company that sponsored me so I won't jeopardize my green card status?

On this forum there has been a lot of talk about it. I read somebody mention a 30-60-90 days rule. You can seach this forum and find more details about the rule but the jist is that, 30 days are most probably not safe enough to leave the company, 60 days can be considered somewhat risky, after 90 days it is mostly safe to leave the company.

Now, I have also read that most lawyers recommend staying 6 months with the employer after GC.

Everybody's situation is different and you should check with a lawyer to get specific advice on your case.
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Thank you knpguy2004 :)

Would this 30-60-90 days apply for the day of stamping or when you receive the GC. Currently I am still waiting for the GC to arive.

Thank you again :)
This 30-60-90 days apply is for only consular processing, not for the day of stamping based on I-485 approval or when you receive the GC based on I-485 approval.

For applicants who files 485 within U.S.A, most lawyers advised this:
1) One year is the best and safe to leave the employer.
2) Six months maybe okay, but INS will ask questions at the stage of U.S. citizenship.
3) Less than 6 months is probably not safe. It would probably pose problems at the stage of U.S. citizenship. They may deny citizenship applications or/and revoke green card.

If you are laid off, that would be no problem for citizenship process because it is not your fault.

I am not a lawyer, but most lawyers advised so. Please use at your own risk.
Thank you USGC485, your information is helpful.

Let's assume I leave my company within 6 months of the day of GC approval, get my GC in the mail in the mean time, get married with an US citizen, would I still have any problem's at the time of applying for citizenship? :)
This rule may be applicable if you are full time employee of Direct Client, leave the job and you try to switch to a different new company.
How come this rule will be applicable if I work as Temp employee for a Consulting firm on a hourly basis?
The contract cleary says 'I will be as Temporary employee for that Consulting firm till this date'. After my project is over,I am not with that company any more and that Consulting firm doesnt guarantee me a job after the end of the contract'
In that case,I have to go thru other Consulting firm and work for them as Temp employee until my next project is over.
So if I am doing this using AC 21 and after GC approval,if I work as Temp employee for a consulting firm, how come this rule will be applicable?
Something to think about guys!
Ac21 rule is very simple. One can change employer after I-140 is approved and 180 days are already passed after I-485 is applied. Your job has to be similar (category/titles/pay etc.).

Its your choice to inform INS or not as there are not definite rules. I did changed my employer after 6 months of my I-485 submission and as soon as I-140 got cleared.
lease job after GC approves

Thanks Magician,

My I485 is already approved, got my passport stemped, now I am waiting for my GC to arive in the mail. I was asking when is the safest to leave my current employer that sponsored my GC so I won't japerdize my GC.