Need help H1/GREENCARD


Registered Users (C)


I work for company A (Consulting company)for a diffrent client.Company B sponsored my Green card(Using substitute labor)and waiting for approval.

140 RD: NOV 10 2004
EAD/485 EB2 RD: MAR 31 2004(Got RFE on ead on june 18 not recived yet may be bad photos...)

Now I got an offer from another company C who are willing to sponsor my H1.Can I apply for new H1 OR Transfer my H1 to Company C?????

If I switch my jobs will this effect my greencard process or my H1 in any way?

Is it true that I could not get my H1 untill OCT 2004?

Thank you in advance......
cris1234 said:


I work for company A (Consulting company)for a diffrent client.Company B sponsored my Green card(Using substitute labor)and waiting for approval.

140 RD: NOV 10 2004
EAD/485 EB2 RD: MAR 31 2004(Got RFE on ead on june 18 not recived yet may be bad photos...)

Now I got an offer from another company C who are willing to sponsor my H1.Can I apply for new H1 OR Transfer my H1 to Company C?????......

Transfer is the best option. Anyway new HI's won't be processed untill Oct 1st

cris1234 said:
If I switch my jobs will this effect my greencard process or my H1 in any way?......

Since Company B is sponsoring your GC if you switch to Company C from Company A and also if you transfer your H1 from A to C , there should not be any effect on Your H1 or GC

cris1234 said:
Is it true that I could not get my H1 untill OCT 2004?
Nope that is only if you are filing for New H1 . If you are transferring H1 from company A to C then you can go ahead and do it . You will get it
Hi hmd ,

Thank you for your reply...

I would like to transfer my H1 through premium processing from company A to company C ,If for any reason my H1 gets rejected will I be still able to work with company A who holds my old H1.??

Do I have to let Company B(which I will be joining once I get my greencard if possible) know about my transfer of H1??
Not necessary to inform them. But they would come to know incase when you are submitting your W2 for this year. But it never hurts letting them know, as they are not interested whether you work for A or C as long as you pay them what they want and keep them in good books..

Hope it answers..

Want GC Soon :)
cris1234 said:
Hi hmd ,

Thank you for your reply...

I would like to transfer my H1 through premium processing from company A to company C ,If for any reason my H1 gets rejected will I be still able to work with company A who holds my old H1.??

Do I have to let Company B(which I will be joining once I get my greencard if possible) know about my transfer of H1??

Yes you can use H1 from Comp A if your transfer to C gets rejected .

Well it is upto you . You don' t have to but if i were you i would since they are sponsoring your GC as future employement.