Need help from Jockolanter and others please


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I have a complex case here please and need help. I got political asylum in 98 and GC in 2005, backdated to 2004.. It turns out that I had another A-file with INS which I abandoned because the individual that helped me with that filing misrepresented facts. However, that A-file started in earlier than my asylum process. In Sept '12 I applied for naturalization, was interview and that file was part of the interview, they questioned me on it and I admitted there were misrepresentations and told them that when I was invited for interview on that case in 2006, I withdrew the case then. Today I was called in again for a second interview and they told me that the facts on my naturalization case does not match what I represented in that case that I had abandoned and they questioned my timeline for asylum. The questioning was painful and long. Please advice are they going to try to take my green card from me? Will they forward my case to a immigration judge? Am I protected under the 1256a bar is the bar upheld all states circuits? I am in CA.
Any response please

Any response to my Q below?

I have a complex case here please and need help. I got political asylum in 98 and GC in 2005, backdated to 2004.. It turns out that I had another A-file with INS which I abandoned because the individual that helped me with that filing misrepresented facts. However, that A-file started in earlier than my asylum process. In Sept '12 I applied for naturalization, was interview and that file was part of the interview, they questioned me on it and I admitted there were misrepresentations and told them that when I was invited for interview on that case in 2006, I withdrew the case then. Today I was called in again for a second interview and they told me that the facts on my naturalization case does not match what I represented in that case that I had abandoned and they questioned my timeline for asylum. The questioning was painful and long. Please advice are they going to try to take my green card from me? Will they forward my case to a immigration judge? Am I protected under the 1256a bar is the bar upheld all states circuits? I am in CA.
i recommend you ask a competent immigration lawyer. Look up "free immigration consultation" on google and start calling them.
If you were granted asylum in 1998 and GC in 2005, why did you have an interview for that other case in 2006?