Need help for Employment letter RFE


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Recently I have received an employment letter RFE which ask for date of hire, duties, remuneration and prospect for continued employment. I got the letter from my employer which has all the things except that prspect for continued employment. Will this effect if I sen dthis letter to INS.

It is better to include permanent position or continued position for safe side.
The letter which I got from my employer says that job is full time position but they didnt mention the continued future employment
line. What are the chances my I 485 gets approved?
I don't think employers mention anything like prospects for continued employment. BCIS does understand that employers would follow usual customary practices of employemnt in US- that is - it is at will and could be terminated based on notice period (or none).
But the offer must be for indefnite period - that is no time period on it. The fact that there is no time period would imply it is a permanent position.
there is no end date written on my employment letter, I talked to my lawyer and he says that continued employment prospect line should be there in the employment letter as INS has requested for it. What are my options now? Will my case be approved or what?

I had similar RFE. My company had put the following statement in the reply to INS. May be you can include a similar sentence:

"We certify that <Company XXX, Inc.> extends an offer of employment to Mr. Abc Xyz in the position of XXXX on a permanent basis upon his receipt of lawful permanent resident status in the United States"

Hope it helps.
I have full time employment word on my employemnt letter, and I am full time permanent employee of the company. INS requested for the continued employment prospect, but this line is missing on the letter. Will this cause any problem?
employment letter

we had a similar RFE and the employer's letter had the following line :

"... we are expecting *** to work for us permanently"

hope this helps.
Originally posted by harapattawaiter
The letter which I got from my employer says that job is full time position but they didnt mention the continued future employment
line. What are the chances my I 485 gets approved?

I think you are fine. In i-140 petition there set of questions

Is Fulltime YES or NO if no how mnay hours the job will be.

is Permanent YES or NO there is no question if it is not permanent job .usually The perm job means the job is continous employment. More over the consulating company keep shuffle the employees to various loactions. if they dont have job for them they will layoff. So they dont mention that it is as PERM JOB.

Because if the layoff the employee, if employee moved different company and INS may fine the employeer, as per a attorney . She told me that most of the company says it is FT job not PERM job.

Unless you hired as perm basis.