A little more news
Thanks for your comment Aussie. Sorry to all posting, I haven't responded for a while on this thread I started. Anyway, We went to talk to another lawyer, who was a little more optimistic. She told us what Aussie said above... Get married, file the I-130, wait for processing. Then we will have to file a waiver (basically saying sorry I've been here illegally, but here are the reasons you should let me stay). From what I picked up from this lawyer, it is better to stay here rather than send him home (of course depends on the situation) - like once you're out you're not coming back in. In your case DestinyMD how long has he been here? It is risky saying that he has never been here for several reasons:
- If he has a US ID of any kind
- Any kind of police record (even speeding tickets - I don't know but I wouldn't risk it!) and especially if they have ever taken his fingerprints
- If he has been here a long time, he would have to prove being in Mexico for the time period
- You would have to prove that you have a real relationship (and they are not dumb, you cant just make something up)
If they catch you lying it is likely they will ban him completely from the US.
And Nomasesposo your lawyer said send him home.... What have you done/ what happened in your case? (I'm afraid to ask b/c of your name)
My last comment is just what this last lawyer made me think....
If you file, and go through the process.... either you get residency or you waste time and money, but you know what the decision is...
If you don't do anything and remain here illegally, you will always be looking over your shoulder, and if they do catch you, you are for sure out 10 years.
It made me at least want to try..... Thanks