need attorney please help


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A friend of mine got rejected by immigration officer and now he is looking for good attorney in Florida. Does anyone can refer me to someone, please. Any help will be very appriciate.
what he/she really needs is....

I also got rejected by the immigration officer.
And was granted asylum by the immig. judge.
I have acouple questions:
What's his application being based on?
Does the person have an attorney?

It is very hard nowadays to get asylum without a lawyer. I researched a lot about it ,and actually applied without one, but ended up having to hire one before my initial interview.
I think the help of an attorney will be crucial for your friend's case.
Tell him to research, talk to toher people who were granted asylum in the area, get info about profesionals, and make sure those profesionals have handled similar cases before.,
Let me know if you have any more questions,I've been there,
ign82 said:
A friend of mine got rejected by immigration officer and now he is looking for good attorney in Florida. Does anyone can refer me to someone, please. Any help will be very appriciate.
Check the american immigration lawyer for a list of lawyers in your area: I am copying and pasting a paragraph from their web site:
For an attorney referral, please call 1-800-954-0254 to speak with a representative or send an e-mail to In the e-mail, please provide your name, location and what your need is for an immigration lawyer.
hi asylee22

My friend (actually its a whole family), they too have tryed to get asylum without attorney present. The had one, but he was practicing only in Arizona , that was actually where they filed for asylum at first place. But later they got job offer and had to transfer in florida without knowing that attorney had no license to practice here. So they've waited to the last minute and end up going on the interview without one. Of course the application was rejected. The asylum was based on racial issues. They now hava lawyer appointment. Don't know what happent yet but hopefully they will be able to postpone the court date so that will give them some time to prepare.

Congratulations for winning in the court! This chapter for you is now over and you can move on. Do you live in Florida?