Need advise: Discontinued F-1 in home country with US Citizen husband

Also, if possible, it would be better if your husband or somebody else can take the children into the US on a different flight, so you can go through the immigration screening alone. Otherwise, traveling with a GC husband and USC children would be like shining big neon lights saying you're going to stay in the US forever once you get let in.

Thank you. My husband alone will not be able to travel with the kids. I think there are restrictions on travelling with multiple kids <2yrs old on flights, will need more adults.. Also, they will definitely ask where the mother is, and probbaly can see in their computer my husband exited US and returning from canada wthin a day or so. Maybe they can even see, the kids exited US right after birth and returning just now, and if the mother is inside or outside US. I am not sure where this line of questioning will lead to ..
I am travelling with my Dad and the kids. I guess I will have to take the chances in canada. It is so frustating :(
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I guess if you are hassled you just have to be prepared to convince the officer that you understand the rules and if/when you pursue a green card it will be in your home country at the consulate. Good luck, and I hope you'll update us on what happened.