Need adviceASAP for expediting advance parole that will run a security check


New Member
I applied with Nebraska USCIS service center to expedite my Advance Parole. They received and put my application into the system on 07/20/2006. However today when I had the local INS officer call them, I found out that they have to run security clerance on me that will take a long time. I need to leave the country on 07/29/2006.

Is there anyway to expedite this process? I sent them letters from the doctors of my terminally ill uncle and sick father but I guess they did not accept them. I am from Turkey. I bought the tickets and we also planned a wedding while we are there.
What do I do? PLEASE HELP. I am desperate.
Your congress man can help you . There is nothing much you can do with avoiding a FBI check ......
You just happened to plan a wedding a week before you are scheduled to leave AND your father is sick AND your uncle is sick....all at the same time?
Sounds to me like you forgot to get your AP and realized a week before leaving for the wedding that you need one.

Now I know why Congress is so effed up, they spend all their days taking care of APs or looking into 1485 delays. :mad: My tax dollars at work.
egyasar -
Your local DO can issue you an Expedited Advance Parole. I got an expedited AP from local DO for my Mom, to visit my Dad who was sick.

You could try this:
If you already got the Receipt Notice for I-131 (or if you are going to get one before your date of travel), then take that Receipt Notice to your local DO with whatever proof you have such as Dr's letters which warrants the urgency. Explain this to the officer(s) and if they are convinced about the medical condition of your Dad/Uncle, then they should be able to give you an expedited AP. Just make sure that you take 2 PP size pictures, reason requesting expedited AP, receipt notice + copy, with you.

If this doesn't work, or if you didn't get the Receipt notice AND
If you are willing to take a risk you could do this:

If you know for sure that you would get the (expedited) AP before your return trip to US, you could leave without AP. You could ask someone to check your mailbox for AP. Then they can mail it to you abroad with which you can enter POE. But again, I must warn you, this is quite risky b'cos if you do not get the AP issued, you cannot return to US until such time you have the AP in your possession.

Just wondering.. recently this forum has more posts criticizing than actually helping some one with a problem :rolleyes:
hello, eddi_d I'm with u on this one..jenimmi i'm also with u.. BUT!! realistisly, if u applied 4 a job, got interviewed, r u gonna show up 1st thing monday morning and begin 2 wk b4 u were given the go ahead 2 start? NO.. u will wait 4 further instructions... Y can't some ppl wait until the process is completed, I do know that situations happen, but hey, that is just life, I was face with a situation where as my gramps was very ill and i desided to stay and take care of things here 1st.. Y risk what u have waited so long to accomplish????
jenimmi said:
Just wondering.. recently this forum has more posts criticizing than actually helping some one with a problem :rolleyes:

Sometimes criticism is needed, as a wake up call. I haven't been here too long but a lot of posts can be summed up one of two ways:

1. I am too lazy to do some research on my case so I hope someone here can do it for me.


2. I broke the rules / intend to rules and I want to find a loophole in the law that makes it OK.

To me this board should be for support and helping each other with issues that come up throughout the GC process. Things like interview experiences, timelines, documents filed, evidence needed etc. But not advice on how to cheat the system. Asking for AP a week before going to a wedding, in my humble opinion, fallss in the latter category.
Dear Eddie,
I did not have time to post all on my case. I was misled by the INS officers here. I have been researching on this case for about 4 months!!! The local officer then came and told me she did not know about the security clearance etc. The embassy in Turkey told me the opposite. I was in this dilemna. I had to do whatever the embassy told me. I am not cheating or manipulating the system and was definitely not lazy. I bought my tickets long time ago. My uncle has alrady had a stomach operation. Believe it or not I am the victim here. Instead of criticizing without proof you may try to help.

eddie_d said:
Sometimes criticism is needed, as a wake up call. I haven't been here too long but a lot of posts can be summed up one of two ways:

1. I am too lazy to do some research on my case so I hope someone here can do it for me.


2. I broke the rules / intend to rules and I want to find a loophole in the law that makes it OK.

To me this board should be for support and helping each other with issues that come up throughout the GC process. Things like interview experiences, timelines, documents filed, evidence needed etc. But not advice on how to cheat the system. Asking for AP a week before going to a wedding, in my humble opinion, fallss in the latter category.
Thanks jenimmi for your advice.
When I went to my local INS in Saint louis they told me that they did not give AP'S, thus gave the address to the Nebraska office. Do you still think I can go and try to get AP from my local office?

Do you think I should drive to Nebraska and try that office in person?
I don't have a receipt for I-131 yet and the officer said it takes 10-14 days to receive it. I faxed the Nebraska office to get a receipt number but no replies yet.

The INS officer said if I left the country before receiving the parole then it will be considered abondening the green card application here. Is there a way for them to know that I left the country without receiving it? Would that be a problem if I left and have someone mail it to me and then enter the US after receiving it? Is there anyway they can find out?

Thank you very much for all your concern and advice. I am really desperate.
sahina said:
The INS officer said if I left the country before receiving the parole then it will be considered abondening the green card application here. Is there a way for them to know that I left the country without receiving it? Would that be a problem if I left and have someone mail it to me and then enter the US after receiving it? Is there anyway they can find out?

ii akshamlar, sahina/egyasar
There should be an I-94 arrival-departure record in your passport. In the moment you leave the country they'll know exactly when.
On the other hand you can have somebody trustworthy sending the AP via FedEx to your adress in Turkey ...
But that's just my opinion and might not work. I hope somebody who's been through this might help you out.
eddie_d said:
Sometimes criticism is needed, as a wake up call. I haven't been here too long but a lot of posts can be summed up one of two ways:

1. I am too lazy to do some research on my case so I hope someone here can do it for me.


2. I broke the rules / intend to rules and I want to find a loophole in the law that makes it OK.

To me this board should be for support and helping each other with issues that come up throughout the GC process. Things like interview experiences, timelines, documents filed, evidence needed etc. But not advice on how to cheat the system. Asking for AP a week before going to a wedding, in my humble opinion, fallss in the latter category.

Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.
sahina said:
Thanks jenimmi for your advice.
When I went to my local INS in Saint louis they told me that they did not give AP'S, thus gave the address to the Nebraska office. Do you still think I can go and try to get AP from my local office?

Do you think I should drive to Nebraska and try that office in person?
I don't have a receipt for I-131 yet and the officer said it takes 10-14 days to receive it. I faxed the Nebraska office to get a receipt number but no replies yet.

The INS officer said if I left the country before receiving the parole then it will be considered abondening the green card application here. Is there a way for them to know that I left the country without receiving it? Would that be a problem if I left and have someone mail it to me and then enter the US after receiving it? Is there anyway they can find out?

Thank you very much for all your concern and advice. I am really desperate.

You must first find out which one is your local DO and try getting help from there. It may not be very easy without a Receipt notice. I don't have any idea how to get AP without the I-131 receipt notice as the reference. But since you're in a hurry, you may want to give it a shot.

As Rex mentioned it is possible for USCIS to find out when you left, with your I-94 departure record info stored on your file. Earlier when my Mom was in an urgency to leave, it was suggested to me in the forum that it is possible to leave without AP but on return, should show AP at POE to gain entry. I did not do this myself but it was something advised to me before. But if you left and for some reason AP was not sent to you, then you can not enter US - that's why I said this is a big risk. Let's say in the worst situation your AP is not processed in a timely manner, how are you going to follow-up on that from Turkey? So, think about all the practical problems you'd have to face before doing this - again, it should be the very last resort, if you have to..

"ari4u" has a lot of info on AP and I don't see him on the forums that much any more. Try sending a PM to him and see what he has to say.
There are to issues here:
1. if you leave and you do not have an AP if you have somebody can check your mailbox and then sent it to you overnight or as fast as they can to your address in Turkey.

2. Even if you find somebody who check your mail, what happen if the AP never arrives on time?

My personal opinion is that probably you need to review what you put in your AP, if you just add your emergency situation that your father and uncle are ill and included the wedding? Never heard about a security check (although has something to do with the country???) with AP issues. Normally people that are in need of an "emergency AP" they go directly to the DO with the paper and the explanation from the need a certified paper from a doctor or an authority (translate it if it's not in English) to demostrate the emergency and in many cases the main DO are the one who issue the emergency AP.

Unfortunately there are many people who lie to the system and to say only that is an emergency is not enough you must proof it. I would not make any statement about a wedding...since a celebration does not go along with a sickness of a member of your family and they can get confuse about if it's a real emergency.

Go to your DO with the receipt of your I-131 and get a paper from a family doctor that can certified that your family member is very sick.

Good luck,
sahina said:
Dear Eddie,
I did not have time to post all on my case. I was misled by the INS officers here. I have been researching on this case for about 4 months!!! The local officer then came and told me she did not know about the security clearance etc. The embassy in Turkey told me the opposite. I was in this dilemna. I had to do whatever the embassy told me. I am not cheating or manipulating the system and was definitely not lazy. I bought my tickets long time ago. My uncle has alrady had a stomach operation. Believe it or not I am the victim here. Instead of criticizing without proof you may try to help.

OK, OK. Why didn't you give these little bits of information to begin with? I'm not a mind reader, I just went on the information given by you which made it sound like something completely different.
Hello I finally received a receipt from the Nebraska office. I did not mention about the wedding to them. I just got two letters from the doctors in English signed and printed on the hospital's letterhead - which is not a lie they are sick.

The local INS here told me they do not issue paroles but another Turkish friend said when his father passed away they gave him an expedited one from the office here.

The local INS here called Nebraska office and they told them that my case was under extensive security clearance. This could take 5 years she said. I was going crazy. I have been in this country for 12 years and have done nothing wrong.
I don't know what this is about? Any ideas? Has anyone gone thru security clearance for their parole?

Someone mentioned about sending a letter to the senator? Does it really help? How do I find more info on that?

Please help

JOB offer only if I could travel to Germany.


I got job offer but company, they wanted me to fly to GERMANY for three weeks. MY reciept date is Sep 2nd and info pass appointment is October 23.
Is there any way I could get before than that. I am required to FLY by Nov 2nd.
