• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

need advice

hi all
does the mistakes of dependant application(wife/husbend or children )can affect the chance of geting GC of all family? especially at time of interview
re _ fourth name

i am dv2007 my name in my passport 4 name like today i recieved my visa
fourth mame considered family name to your father
good luck
did u write that your fourth name is your family name in both electronic and your forms? or did you write ananther thing.did u face any problem about that and if i wrote the third name is my family name. will they consider that fourth name is family name? thanks for your reply
hi mohammedaliS and congratulations, i just want to know what did you write as middle name? your number2 name or number 2 and 3? please let me know, thanks.
dear freind ...no problem at all..... i did not write my name as it appears on the passport.... i missed the third name .....the counclier did not not ask me a bout that and she just correct it and added the missing name ....do not worry at all .....:D
Hi, blackgerman there is somthing about your number i dont understand, i think your number is seven thousand and xxx(7,222)how come you got your second letter before mine my number is 12xx.i mailed KCC they told me they got my package and they are till processing it.blackgerman how you do am.
Hi, blackgerman there is somthing about your number i dont understand, i think your number is seven thousand and xxx(7,222)how come you got your second letter before mine my number is 12xx.i mailed KCC they told me they got my package and they are till processing it.blackgerman how you do am.

Tolu I live in Europe. As you can see from my signature I didnt have to do any thing extra. I sent back my forms to KCC on the 7th of April. The processing is over and I asked and got my interview date for the 13th of November. I called US embassy here in my resident country and they told me I should be there by 8.00 AM on interview day.
I asked them about medical and they told me it is normally done on same day after the interview. However they gave me the name & telephone number of embassy pannel doctor in my area and they asked me to do it there before interview date if I want.
I asked about Translation of my documents and they told me it must be in english or local language. So I really dont need to translate any document.

I got all this information via e-mail: I wrote and got reply from KCC about my interview date. They also told me to contact embassy in future for any further enquiries. So I have nothing more to do with KCC.
I did the same with my embassy and I got very clear answers to all my questions per e-mail within just 2 hours.
Tolu I live in Europe. As you can see from my signature I didnt have to do any thing extra. I sent back my forms to KCC on the 7th of April. The processing is over and I asked and got my interview date for the 13th of November. I called US embassy here in my resident country and they told me I should be there by 8.00 AM on interview day.
I asked them about medical and they told me it is normally done on same day after the interview. However they gave me the name & telephone number of embassy pannel doctor in my area and they asked me to do it there before interview date if I want.
I asked about Translation of my documents and they told me it must be in english or local language. So I really dont need to translate any document.

I got all this information via e-mail: I wrote and got reply from KCC about my interview date. They also told me to contact embassy in future for any further enquiries. So I have nothing more to do with KCC.
I did the same with my embassy and I got very clear answers to all my questions per e-mail within just 2 hours.

pls are u from nigeria but, live in germany?
congratulation that u got interview date.we are looking for it as near aspossible.
thanks for mohammedaliS.i hope that your answer is fair and good and please could you explain more if the name for example is roger willium meachel kono
according to your answer first name is roger, middle name is willium and family name is meachel and kono will be the family name of my father is that right? thanks for all
Hi angelos,

I want to tell you something about this problem because i know somebody

from my country who lost the lottery because the name and the signature

must be exactly the same .

in you case the name must to be exactly the same in you passport

if you don t fixed the problem could cost you at interviu :)
Dear Lugojan
can you give us the details about the cases that the person were disqualified because of the name and signature...?

Hi angelos,

I want to tell you something about this problem because i know somebody

from my country who lost the lottery because the name and the signature

must be exactly the same .

in you case the name must to be exactly the same in you passport

if you don t fixed the problem could cost you at interviu :)
the name first name and maiden name must be exactly same position like in passport

When somebody fill out the papers the name ,surname ,middle name etc must be in same position like in passport

i hope you guys you understood because this problem is really important

may be is not to big for my and for you but is big for they.

Same problem with signature must be exactlly the same like in passport not
After I read many postings here about the name mistakes or spelling problems, I have discovered many people here who did this kind of mistakes on the forms or original entry received their visas successfuly. Eventhought applicant who made a mistake with a birth date during original entry received his visa. Ofcourse we dont know if there are such cases that visa was not granted. Can u give us the details about the case that the person was rejected because of the name mistake..? What was the problem exactly with the name..? Thanks..
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hi logoju thanks for your reply.my name consist of four words in passport.for example
roger willium meachel kono
first name: roger
middle name: willium
family name:meachel
father's family name:kono
is that right ? i wrote my name as in my passport with same spelling.and all my decuments with same name
Nelly I'm not from Nigeria. I was born in Cameroon but I'm a European and I live in Europe

Hai ,

The interview stuff in Nigeria is a little bite tough;; is it the same in EU were u are staying?

do u have the idea of their QUESTIONS in the EU?
ok thanks for the reply. That maens u applied as a Cameroon citizen; b:c ur cn is AF/

Nelly I'm not a Cameroon citizen anymore but a native of Cameroon. That means I was born in Cameroon. DV is all about where you were born and not where you have received citizenship
Hai ,

The interview stuff in Nigeria is a little bite tough;; is it the same in EU were u are staying?

do u have the idea of their QUESTIONS in the EU?

I should say its easier in the EU because most of the information has been digitalised. Less documentation is needed. For example the police report is sent directly to the embassy, the pasport is e-passport or even biological passport etc. so the information is very consistent and I guess its easier for the embassy to cross-check.
Whatever be the case one has to be very prepared and just be yourself.

I don't know the questions they ask but I dont think they are special for EU...They are mostly the generic questions you already know: whats your name, da´te and place of birth etc....