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need advice


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hi all,

i would like to thank every person who is sharing and enlight our mind with about DV.actually i want help becouse i won with DV2008 and now i am waiting my interview date but i have a problem and i dont know if such problem is so big or not.my name consists of 4 words and i wrote the third name is my family name now i dont know if it will be big problem at the time of interview and i think my interview will be next year.any how i am waiting your advice and i hope it will not big problem and if it's big progblem how can i solve it.
they sent me the notification letter that my family name is my thrid name so i follow that in my forms and i guessed i did that in my electronic forms also. but my name in my passport consist of four names and i wrote that in my forms but i wrote my family name is third name. i am really afraid now to lose my chance please advice me
If you have 4 names :

1) N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + SURNAME

but you inserted N1 + N2 + SURNAME as N3? Is it true..? Or what..?

What did you put in your surname then..?

2) Explain the names on the 1st NL? (with N1, N2 codes as I did)
my name is N1+N2+N3+N4
THAT WHAT I DID IN BOTH electronic and other forms
is that problem?
thanks for help
as far as I understand you did not write your 3rd name and you filled the form (and original entry) as N1 + N2 + Surname, missing your 3rd name, right? If so nothing to do, write an email to KCC and tell about the problem. In fact, the questions 'first name' 'middle name' confusing the people, the question must be just 'full name" or 'name' ..Once they will receive your mail, they will include it into your case file. But I think they will ask to fill the forms with your names as they appear on your passport and send to KCC again..
I don't think it's a big problem, as long as you used your first name as a first name, and the last name as a last name. From what you wrote at first, I thought you wrote your last name instead of middle name....

Just correct your forms right before the interview - that is, before you swear that everything in your forms is true - by filling in the third name where it belongs.
Please clarify, are you saying that your family name is now your 3rd name and your 3rd name is your family name?
no one understand me i wrote my third name as family name in all my forms i am asking if that is a mistake or not becouse there is fourth name after third name.thanks for all reply
It is better you contact KCC and tell them about your mistake. But you did twice same thing. The one during original entry can be considered as a mistake, but second one is more than mistake..contact with KCC and fill the forms again with the names as they appear on your passport and send them to KCC. Otherwise you will have a problem during your interview.
i dont know really what's mean by family name. is the family name should be last name or the family name may be the third one.and i included all my names in my forms should i do that again. i am confused now
i dont know really what's mean by family name. is the family name should be last name or the family name may be the third one.and i included all my names in my forms should i do that again. i am confused now

angelos please put an end to this cycle of questions. "Write your names as they appear on your passport". PERIOD. Your passport remains the reference document for all other documents.
may God help me if there is no one give me advice. i wrote my name as in passport exactly i just make my third name as family name and i included all my names in the forms. is the family name should be last name?
Unless in your country there is a difference, then your family name should have been your last name. So you have 3 first names, then a final name.

Ny Full name is Roger David Parry, so 'Roger' is my first name, 'David' is my middle name and 'Parry' is my family (or last) name.

So using my name as an example, are you saying you used 'David' as your family name? If so, then you will need to contact KCC to have them update your details.

Unless you wish to remain anonymous, perhaps you can state your full name on here as it appears on your passport, then also state how you entered this on to your forms to KCC, so people on here can understand exactly what you are saying.
thanks orlandovillas i want to expalin that to you indetail for example
my full name is Roger David Parry meachel( passport name)
first name was Roger,middle name is David, family name is Parry that what i wrote and i told him that my full name is Roger David Parry meachel becouse i have daughter and i'd like to give her family name is also Parry and i include that in electronic and all forms. i dont know if it's mistake or not
thanks for all reply
I still can't understand , if you have a four words name and used your third name as a family name , so where did you put your fourth name . as i have the same problem ,I want to know if some one have four names ,like for example Roger David Parry Truman, so Roger is my first name and Truman is my family name . the question is what is my middle name? is it David only or David Parry? still don't know .
thanks God sugar pie has the same problem becouse if u put David only. u will not include parry and if u wrote David parry it will include both ur father and ur grandpa. i dont know if it's mistake or not but i understand that both elecronic and ur forms should be the same.
Now I feel like everyone is talking about me :)

I'm very confused about how your naming works, and maybe it is something unique to your country. Basically, the family name is the part that doesnt change between you and your children. When you have a child, they automatically take on the family name of their parents, so this is the part you use as family name. In Europe and America this is the last name (so 'Parry' in my case, and 'Roger David' are my first and middle name). David happens to be my Fathers first name, but this is not classed as the family name just because of that.

I realise you can choose to choose middle names for your children that happen to be the same as one of the parents names (like 'David' in my case), but that is not classed as the family name - you just simply choose to give a middle name the same as yours.

Hope that makes more sense.

It might help if you give your Fathers and Mothers full names on here, as well as your own full name, then we can explain better (I hope) which name is the family name.
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actually till now i dont know if it's mistake or not.i think it's the first time that any one in Dv experience such kind of problem.i kept it in my mind and thinking 5 monthes ago.do u think it may affect my chance to get GC at the time of interview. or they will understand and everything will be ok especially all the decuments are certified. by the way there is no family name rule in my country.just full name. i am sorry if i opened such kind of circle of questions but really the forms are very difficult to understand and i think luck is the most important thing in DV. hopefully everything will be ok
for me I have three names Sxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxxx and my surname Axxxxx . When applying for lottery although I was already married I had not changed my surname legally [ie. on my passport or anything]

However since entering lottery I had a baby and decided to change my name on my documents so that we would have the smae surname ......................I now carry my married surname.

So on the Dv lottery forms [electronic] I put Sxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxx Mxxxxxxx Axxxxxx as my name.

However cause of name change when I entered in 2005 and now on Ds-230 I put Sxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxxxx , ie, I left out my third name cause there was only room for a first and second name and my new married surname. Of course there was a space for maiden name so I put Axxxxxxx there.

Don't see how that can be a problem. any thoughts ?