Need advice - postpone citizenship interview until tax resolution with IRS?


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I have naturalization interview scheduled in 3 weeks.
but in the meantime IRS has send me a letter asking futher clarification and documents to figure out If I own more taxes. I plan to work with them and resolve this issue, and pay the amount if they determine I own back taxes.

Hence, I need to know;
1) if i should attend the interview as scheduled?
2) postpone the interview and hope that IRS issue is resolved by then OR
3) withdrawn the application and re file next year?

Note that I have filed all my taxes and responded to IRS questions when asked. its just that this IRS process may take more than 1-2 months to resolve.

appreciate any expect advise, regards
If you are actively working with IRS on resolving any tax issues, that should not disqualify you from your citizenship application.

Explain your situation and carry IRS correspondence and proof of tax payments for last 5 years to your interview.
thanks for the response,
Does it mean I should still say "no" to the "Do you owe any taxes to IRS" question?

The problem is I had to ammend couple of past return and If I bring up this issue the IO may deny or delays N-400 processing, for further review. hence was considering the option to withdraw or postpone the case.

Is there any way to put the case on HOLD?
Amended returns do not mean you owe taxes, you should answer "no". Carry documentation to prove that you and IRS are working to resolve any issues raised by IRS.