Need advice on B2 visa for mother!


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Ok i have a question , my mother is visiting me in the states sometime soon this year !

the problem is that she had worked for an airline 40 years back , so she did have a passport and has been to US before !
since her passport expired 40 years back she didnt bother to make a new one ! Also her old passport was in her Maiden Name !

Now that she has applied for a new passport the agent told her not to include her old passport since the airline had put a stamp on my mothers passport as REVOKED and had torn some pages , also one of her snaps was missing on her passport . the agent said to go in for a brand new passport .
What i want to know is when she goes in for a visa appt with the consulate what should she say ? that she has never been to US before, or that she has been here before and that was 40 years ago ? do they have records which go back 40 years !

also should we be sponsoring her , me and my husband are on L1/L2 visa ! My father will be in India and will not be visiting with her but my mother has no property in her name but the fact that her husband is still in india so she has a good enough reason to return !

Any advice will be appreciated ! my mother is an Indian citizen !
Your mother should honestly state that she has visited the US before. Regardless of the fact that it was 40 years ago and she cannot produce the passport she used 40 years ago, she has still visited the US before. Regarding sponsorship, if she can financially qualify on her own, I really do not see the need for you to submit an I-134.
thanks triple citizen for yr reply ! i hope the consular doesnt question her as to why she doesnt have any document stating that her passport was lost !

also my father is a retired businessman , so i am worried about the funds part even though they would hve enough funds ! but do you think it would be safer if we sponsored her !
Since it was so long ago, that is okay.

If she has sufficient funds then she can sponsor herself but other wise you should send affidavit of support. It is not a deal killer, majority of people with approved visa have been sponsored.

As for exact dates etc, she can give vague month and year for her visits. No one documents their entire life.
I honestly cannot see failure to produce a 40 year old passport as a basis for refusal. However, finances and immigrant intent may result in a refusal.
I honestly cannot see failure to produce a 40 year old passport as a basis for refusal. However, finances and immigrant intent may result in a refusal.

she will be going back bec my father will be in india plus we are on a L1 and L2 visa and we will also be going back eventually , so no reason for her to stay here !!
i hope so too ! i saw you saying on another thread as long as you cn prove strong ties to india ! how does one do that , like in my case my father is back in India plus she has her own FD's ! so as long as she can prove that she would get back bec her husbnd is there . but how does one prove that ?
That is a million dollar question. Each interviewing consul is a different personality. How they interpret one's intentions cannot be guessed. Your mother needs to carry with her as much proof of ties to India as possible. At the end, one person (consul) will make the decision in 45-60 seconds about her application.