Nebraska Service Center


Registered Users (C)
I mailed my Naturalization Application (N-400) on Thursday July 14, 2005, but so far I have not seen anything from Nebraska Service Center and at the same time they have not cashed the check either. Does anyone know whether it takes this long for them to look at my application? I submitted every supporting document that was relevant to my case. I am desperately waiting.

utboy said:
I mailed my Naturalization Application (N-400) on Thursday July 14, 2005, but so far I have not seen anything from Nebraska Service Center and at the same time they have not cashed the check either. Does anyone know whether it takes this long for them to look at my application? I submitted every supporting document that was relevant to my case. I am desperately waiting.


That happened to me, VCS, but it was my mistake. VSC recieved my app two days after sending, but I wrote the wrong amount on the check (place where you wrote the amount in plain english). Two weeks later they sent my app back, asked to correct the mistake, and send application back. They did stamp my app with first recive date (July 14 th). I mailed out my app on last friday, it was delivered on monday, but they have not cashed the check yet. I hope , I did not make another mistake.
Bamako,Thanks for Responding.

I kept a copy of everything that I sent to Nebraska and verified again and I did not see anything missing. I guess I will have to wait until they either respond or cash the check. I will post the updates on my case.
utboy said:
I mailed my Naturalization Application (N-400) on Thursday July 14, 2005, but so far I have not seen anything from Nebraska Service Center and at the same time they have not cashed the check either. Does anyone know whether it takes this long for them to look at my application? I submitted every supporting document that was relevant to my case. I am desperately waiting.


I'm not sure if anything changed but back in February when I mailed my stuff, I think it took around 2-3 weeks get the the reciept. They cashed the check in a week and a half. So, I don't think it's too early to worry about things.

utboy said:
Bamako,Thanks for Responding.

I kept a copy of everything that I sent to Nebraska and verified again and I did not see anything missing. I guess I will have to wait until they either respond or cash the check. I will post the updates on my case.


Did you hear anything from Nebraska?
I am still waiting from VSC to cash my check, start worrying again.
Let me know when you hear back from them, I will too.
bamako said:

I am still waiting from VSC to cash my check, start worrying again.

My app at VSC was recv'd on July 11th and the check was cashed on July 18th, rec'vd the receipt on July 26th.

Give them few more days. if your app was received last friday, your check should be cashed any day now.
Deer said:
My app at VSC was recv'd on July 11th and the check was cashed on July 18th, rec'vd the receipt on July 26th.

Give them few more days. if your app was received last friday, your check should be cashed any day now.

USPS redelivered my app on Monday 25th.
So it seems like it took a week.
I hop mine will be today or early next week.
My Application Returned

I have received my application back from Nebraska the reason being that I mailed the application two weeks before meeting continuous residency requirement. So I am mailing it back to them tomorrow on Saturday July 30th and I will see what happens from there.

Thanks to all of you that responded. please keep me updated on your timelines, so I can have somekind of a benchmark for my application. Thanks.
utboy said:
I have received my application back from Nebraska the reason being that I mailed the application two weeks before meeting continuous residency requirement. So I am mailing it back to them tomorrow on Saturday July 30th and I will see what happens from there.

Thanks to all of you that responded. please keep me updated on your timelines, so I can have somekind of a benchmark for my application. Thanks.

The check has cleared, I am very happy at least for now.
I live in northen virginia, it seems like the entire process takes a year.
Mailed N-400

I have just mailed my N-400 application today (Priority mail). It should be there at least by Tuesday and hopefully there would no any problem this time. I will update my case as soon as I have activities on it.

Bamako, I wish you all the best and hopefully you will have a faster process. Keep us posted.
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Finally Some Progress

Finally there is some progress on my file (N-400). I checked my bank account over the weekend and saw that my Check for $ 390.00 was cashed on Friday. I assume that I will be receiving NOA sometime this week. I hope that things will start moving a little bit faster. Good luck to everyone.
utboy said:
Finally there is some progress on my file (N-400). I checked my bank account over the weekend and saw that my Check for $ 390.00 was cashed on Friday. I assume that I will be receiving NOA sometime this week. I hope that things will start moving a little bit faster. Good luck to everyone.

My check was cleared on July 29th, and I got my receipt on August 6th from VSC.
Received My NOA

Yesterday I received NOA for my N-400. My priority date is August 1st. The NOA indicated that the entire Naturalization process should take about 8 months, but when I checked the online status it said that the entire process should take about a year. Anyway I excited that there is some progress on my file.
LIN number?

utboy said:
Yesterday I received NOA for my N-400. My priority date is August 1st. The NOA indicated that the entire Naturalization process should take about 8 months, but when I checked the online status it said that the entire process should take about a year. Anyway I excited that there is some progress on my file.
Can you post the 4 digits/chars immediately following LIN? I heard that they indicate the date of receipt. Just wanted to verify if that is correct. Thanks
On my receipt, the first four numbers after LIN are Zeros (LIN0000........). I thought the same thing but it looks like the first four numbers do not necesarily represent your receipt or priority date
utboy said:
On my receipt, the first four numbers after LIN are Zeros (LIN0000........). I thought the same thing but it looks like the first four numbers do not necesarily represent your receipt or priority date
Thank you utboy.
FP Notice

Today (26 August 2005), I received my FP notice for Fingerprinting next week. I will try to go and get fingerprinted tomorrow because I have school and work starting next week. I will see what happens then.

I went to ASC this morning and had my fingreprints done. There was no question asked as to why I wanted to have my fingerprints taken five days early. There was about five people and I was out of there within 15 minutes.
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Anyone on This Thread from Denver?

Anyone on this thread from Denver, Colorado? If yes, can you post your timeline please?


Mine is..

PD: July 27th, 2005
FP: Sept 30th, 2005
Online Status Has Disappeared Today

I checked the status of my N-400 case this morning and got this message. “The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center”. I am not sure what is happening whether my case is making some progress or it is lost and I should be prepared for a very long wait.
Got My Appointment Letter

When I got home I received an Interview appointment letter. My appointment is on the first week of November. I am so excited to have my case moving faster than I expected.