ND 2001 still waiting fro GC, any comment? thank you


Registered Users (C)
I am new here, and the info here help me a lot, thank you guys here!
my nd date (Nebraska) is Nov. 2001, and in Aug. 2005, I did Bio3 and the RFI. still waiting. :( :eek:
Any one else? what should I do? Call them??? thank you!!!!!!!!!!

ND Oct. 2001
Bio3 and RFI Jul. 2005
Last LUD change 08/19/05
pending2001???? said:
I am new here, and the info here help me a lot, thank you guys here!
my nd date (Nebraska) is Nov. 2001, and in Aug. 2005, I did Bio3 and the RFI. still waiting. :( :eek:
Any one else? what should I do? Call them??? thank you!!!!!!!!!!

ND Oct. 2001
Bio3 and RFI Jul. 2005
Last LUD change 08/19/05

Same shit here !!!!!!!!!!!
Same here...

I got a fingerprint notice last week and went to the appointment last Friday.. still no change in LUD (10/19/05) as of today.. is there something we can do, like contact our local congressman/woman? It's just frustrating to see those who have a later ND (no offense) got approved and we are just sitting here and waiting and waiting and waiting...
What is your ND?
is there something we can do, like contact our local congressman/woman? It's just frustrating to see those who have a later ND (no offense) got approved and we are just sitting here and waiting and waiting and waiting...
I suggest that we all ND 2001 and earlier write directly to the NSC Acting Director and ask him why the cases with later ND are given preference over ours. Just a thought. I tried to write representatives. One responded a day later, but informed me that there's nothing he can do, another one did not respond at all - I wrote him about a month ago. Let's take our lives in our own hands.
My ND is November 2001. I did my Bio 3 and RFI in August 2005 (sorry guys wrong info in past posts.. thought it was October since my LUD is 10/19/05 but it actually says ...On August 25, 2005, we received blah blah blah... on my online status case).
Thank you guys!

it seems we cant do nothing, just wait........wait.......
procedure stucked there in Nebraska.
any news, I will post it here. hope we share your good news!!!
pending2001???? said:
it seems we cant do nothing, just wait........wait.......
procedure stucked there in Nebraska.
any news, I will post it here. hope we share your good news!!!

Everything is ok on your file; what you need really is to have the officer who is handling your case touch it. In many cases your file may be sitting on the shelves and the officer who handling is busy with other things. One very quick way to have him touch your file is to file an inquiry with the guys at 1800. This is very difficult because one you tell the guys at the 1800 that you are asylee they will hang up on you. An other way is the guys at the Obdusman's office. These guys they will make your IO to touch your file. they are helpful and very nice. Just be creative and have the officer touch your case....
I was in the same situation. ND February 2001, and all the perlimanary processing was completed on my case since October 13, 05 meaning Bio, Medical, and fingerprints ....but they let my case sit all these months until I called them 3 weeks ago and requested a change of address, I think that helped move my case up in line and on April 10 they sent me an email saying they have received my request for change of address, they gave me an update on all my pending applications and informed me that my I-485 case is on it's way to an officer for processing...then on April 12 they sent me an email informing me that a Welcome notice has been mailed...as in I have been approved. I hope this helps!
USCIS Processing...

Hi guys,

I asked my lawyer if there is anything she can do for CIS to expedite the processing of my pending I-485 and why is it that people with ND later than mine have been getting approved. She said that's just how CIS deals with all backlogs, last in first out. The cases coming in now are being adjudicated right away to get them out, then they work backwards. When they reach the oldest case in the queue the backlog will be eliminated. CIS has always cleared their backlogs this way as it gives the appearance of clearing out cases quicker. Fairness is not a consideration because their funding is tied to performance and the more cases moved through the bigger their budget.

So in other words, we are screwed!
talie777 said:
Hi guys,

I asked my lawyer if there is anything she can do for CIS to expedite the processing of my pending I-485 and why is it that people with ND later than mine have been getting approved. She said that's just how CIS deals with all backlogs, last in first out. The cases coming in now are being adjudicated right away to get them out, then they work backwards. When they reach the oldest case in the queue the backlog will be eliminated. CIS has always cleared their backlogs this way as it gives the appearance of clearing out cases quicker. Fairness is not a consideration because their funding is tied to performance and the more cases moved through the bigger their budget.

So in other words, we are screwed!

LOL, I think that you are right, government never cares about single individual to them it's all about the"Big picture".
Unfortunately for us, it is true that the INS working on the reduction of general "backlog" and they don't give a damn that someone, like us is forced to wait many more years longer than those, who applied for the same benefits a few years later and this email I received from NSCLawsuitAsulym@dhs.gov only confirms it:

Your case is current enroute to an officer and you should receive a
> decision
> in
> about 2 weeks. The reason that cases were work out of order is the
> that
> NSC will have all I-485 Asylum Adjustment cases completed by
9/30/2006 as
> part
> of the USCIS backlog reduction initiative to work about 75,000 to
> cases.
> Therefore, when a case needs additional information, that case will
> naturally
> take longer that a case that has all the required documentation and
can be
> decided without needing additional evidence. However, as stated
> your
> case is on it's way to an officer and when they receive it, they will
> that
> case.

Just a bunch of BS and lame excuses! :mad:
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Morning said:
Unfortunately for us, it is true that the INS working on the reduction of general "backlog" and they don't give a damn that someone, like us is forced to wait many more years longer than those, who applied for the same benefits a few years later and this email I received from NSCLawsuitAsulym@dhs.gov only confirms it:

Your case is current enroute to an officer and you should receive a
> decision
> in
> about 2 weeks. The reason that cases were work out of order is the
> that
> NSC will have all I-485 Asylum Adjustment cases completed by
9/30/2006 as
> part
> of the USCIS backlog reduction initiative to work about 75,000 to
> cases.
> Therefore, when a case needs additional information, that case will
> naturally
> take longer that a case that has all the required documentation and
can be
> decided without needing additional evidence. However, as stated
> your
> case is on it's way to an officer and when they receive it, they will
> that
> case.

Just a buch of BS and lame excuses! :mad:

Yupe that's a bunch of BS! I sent in my medical and all the required stuff with my initial application. The additional information was given when I replied to the RFI. I thought RFI is part of the process so the reasoning behind "therefore when a case needs additional information blah blah blah..." is not valid.
"therefore when a case needs additional information blah blah blah..." is not valid
300% agree! I personally know someone with ND'03 whose case is way more complicated than mine and I know for a fact that this person had all bios scheduled before me. By the time Ngwaniya-Gonzalez lawsuit was settled cases with ND' 00 - 03 were in the same position, i.e. even if medicals and biographic forms were submitted together with I-485, they were expired by January, 2005. Then after the settlement, INS started adjusting like crazy whatever was sitting on top of the pile and, as a result, we are "first - in, last - out" :mad:
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First of all, it is not just the settlement with AILF. It is the abolition of the 10K cap. As a result they made asylee adjustment a top priority.

Plus, are you one who needs nunc pro tunc processing? So they natuarally need to take your file out of the normal line.

Morning said:
"therefore when a case needs additional information blah blah blah..." is not valid
300% agree! I personally know someone with ND'03 whose case is way more complicated than mine and I know for a fact that this person had all bios scheduled before me. By the time Ngwaniya-Gonzalez lawsuit was settled cases with ND' 00 - 03 were in the same position, i.e. even if medicals and biographic forms were submitted together with I-485, they were expired by January, 2005. Then after the settlement, INS started ajusting like crazy whatever was sitting on top of the pile and, as a result, we are "first - in, last - out" :mad:
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I received this message on January 10, 2006 - and the INS fianlly determined that my case should be processed NPT on January 19, 2006 - after my RFI was received by the NSC on October 19, 2005. You can do the math. So, NPT processing has nothing to do with the fact that preliminary steps for adjudication were scheduled long after than those for cases with later ND. And, please, do not assume that I'm not familiar with legal background of asylee adjustment. ;)
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Morning,but it does not mean that it was exactly on Jan 10 that they realized your case was a NPT. Maybe(not saying for sure, but MAYBE) it was ALREADY in the NPT bin, but they waited their ass off to send you that notice, just like they wait a long time to send RFE while they could have easily asked those things along with RFI or just like how they wait till the citizenship interview to tell the applicant that they filed early and therefore they are denied.....INS works in weird ways.
There were no LUD's between the date when the RFI was received and the date when my inquiry letter was received, which means that nobody was working on the case.
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