ND 08/00 EB2, No RFE, FP fine, regular 140(not CP)...case assigned to officer more than 2 months bac


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone have any clue what is going on with such cases? I can understand cases with RFE or 140 CP which maybe different and waiting for some more information... But I have no clue what is going on with such cases. And I wonder if there is a trick to getting to talk to a good IIO... :) Like not pressing "0", but some other secret code... Beacause I have seen some people post things like "The IIO said your case has taken too long, checked something and I got approval in the next 2 weeks"...

Sorry, just the sigh of a long waiter......
Yes.... 3 times...

1st time(after I started seeing September approvals): Case assigned. Should hear back in 2 or 3 weeks. Could try calling back after 3 weeks.
2nd time(after 3 weeks): Case assigned. Could take 45 days after assigned to officer.
3rd time(after about 50 days of case being assigned to officer): Each case takes its own time. Could take even 6 months after assigned to officer. Cannot give timeframe.
Call your Senator

If your case is 8/00 and they are saying they\'re working on 11/00, then you should enlist the assitacne of your Senator\'s or Congressman\'s office. It\'s a standard procedue and service they offer. Get the name and contact information of your senator from www.senate.gov and mail in a letter with your details - remember to sign the letter. They will get back to you soon.
I am in the same situation.

my ND 8/00.
first call: she said: the case has been assigned to an officer.
second call: she said: it will take 3-4 weeks.
I called yesterday: she said: still under review.
Don\'t know how long it will take.
Details for contacting Senator..

Thanks for the advice.. I have been wondering when would be a good time to contact the Senator. Does anyone know of the format of the letter and means of correspondence(mail, email, fax, fedex..) by which I can contact my Senator?

I will also try to post this as a separate message in a while just in case nobody responds to this here..
