ND:04/25/01. Still waiting..


Registered Users (C)
Here are my details: EB1, India, RD:04/10/01,ND:04/25/01, PD:04/99. FP:04/10/01
April waiters, please let me know if your case is still pending. Also, AVM is not updated after FP. FBI sent the information to INS on 04/10/01.
You should Talk to IIO, dont\' dealy it. Just for peace of mind :)

You pleaes talk to INS and ask about the status. If your fingerprint is not received by INS, they may abandon your case ( very unlikely that INS don\'t get Finger Print but in case ).

Just to be on safer side and for the peace of mind :)
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that is not true as long as he has FP done receipt, INS cannot abondon his 485.
 they will abondon only if one does not show up on FP scheduled date AND
DOES NOT RESCHEDULE IT or does not do it early.