Hi Guys,
Got a question please about the naturalization interview exam civic questions:
In some civic questions they tell you exactly how many answers to include, for an instance:
Question 6: "What is __one__ right freedom from the First Amendment?*"
Answers: speech
religion assembly
petition the government
So here it's very clear that as long as I give one of these answers, I will providing a full answer and correct.
Or in this instance:
Question 9: "What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?"
Answers: life
pursuit of happiness
So here it's very clear that as long as I give two of these answers, I will providing a full answer and correct.
But in another civic questions, where it doesn't tell you how many answers they want, yet the answer contains several answers, does that mean you need to include all of them to be considered correct?
For example:
Question 2: "What does the constitution do?"
Answers: sets up the government
defines the government
protects basic rights of Americans
Question 4: "What is an amendment?"
Answers: a change (to the Constitution)
an addition (to the Constitution)
Do I need to include all the answers to be considered correct or if they don't specify how many answers yet there are multiple answers, it means by default they just want one answer?
Would appreciate to hear from people who actually went to the interview recently and know.
Got a question please about the naturalization interview exam civic questions:
In some civic questions they tell you exactly how many answers to include, for an instance:
Question 6: "What is __one__ right freedom from the First Amendment?*"
Answers: speech
religion assembly
petition the government
So here it's very clear that as long as I give one of these answers, I will providing a full answer and correct.
Or in this instance:
Question 9: "What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?"
Answers: life
pursuit of happiness
So here it's very clear that as long as I give two of these answers, I will providing a full answer and correct.
But in another civic questions, where it doesn't tell you how many answers they want, yet the answer contains several answers, does that mean you need to include all of them to be considered correct?
For example:
Question 2: "What does the constitution do?"
Answers: sets up the government
defines the government
protects basic rights of Americans
Question 4: "What is an amendment?"
Answers: a change (to the Constitution)
an addition (to the Constitution)
Do I need to include all the answers to be considered correct or if they don't specify how many answers yet there are multiple answers, it means by default they just want one answer?
Would appreciate to hear from people who actually went to the interview recently and know.