National Visa Center - Packet 3


Registered Users (C)

I-140 has been approved.
I have opted for Consular Processing.
National visa center has asked for payment.
My attorney tells me, they used to send packet 3,
visa fees used to be paid after sending packet 3.

Has this been changed ? ( advanced payment no problem)
Are there are any additional steps ?
Any additonal time these steps take ?

I would like to know, what we need to prepare for CP.

Thank you,
Old Way

NVC in Portsmouth Receives Notice of I-140 Approval
NVC in Portsmouth Issues Packet III to the lawyer
Application Filed 1st with St Louis NVC for receipt of Payment
Then, Application goes to NVC in Portsmouth
Portsmouth sends completed Packet III to Consulate
Consulate schedules interview

New Way

NVC in Portsmouth Receives Notice of I-140 Approval
NVC in Portsmouth issues a fee bill to the lawyer
Fee Bill is paid to the NVC in St. Louis
NVC in St. Louis sends notice of payment to NVC in Portsmouth
NVC in Portsmouth issues Packet III to the lawyer
The lawyer files Packet III with NVC in Portsmouth
Portsmouth reviews forms and forwards file to Consulate
Consulate schedules the interview

What RuthChen liste is correct.
I also received fee receipts and sent the receipts today.
Definately the new process cause delay due to the additional steps.

All the best

The new procedure is effective dtd. 10.01.02.

I sent my fee bill to STL on 10.30.02. The cashier check is not encashed yet.
fee bill to the lawyer

Hi All,
How much time(approx) NVC in Portsmouth takes to issue a fee bill to the lawyer after I140 is approved?

my I-140 approval sent to NVC on 11/6/02. What time frame my attorney should receive request for fee pay in STL.
i-140 to nvc


Once I-140 is approved, do we have to forward
it to NVC or it is part of process and INS forwards
it to NVC ?

Waiting for I-140 approval...
CP procedures changed or unchanged??

Hello! CPer's

Let me share my experience which is completely different as opposed to what is said on this thread.

I am not sure of the precise dates here but ...

1> Lawyer got P3 before Oct 1st 2002
2> After completing P3 lawyer sent P3 DIRECTLY to the Consulate sometime around 20th OCT 2002

as simple as that no sending it to back and forth to NVC/St. Louis etc.

Trust me I was very worried 'cause I had herd about this old/new process changes .....

Well I am not a legal professional - so tell you the truth haven't got a clue if the process is changed or unchanged. All I know that the consulate has received my P3 and will schedule an appointment whenever.....
July 25:
Can you let us know which consulate has your attorney sent hte case to. If your consulate is in INDIA or CHINA or CANADA then, Dude you are F***ked. Your attorney gave it to you. The consulate will assume you are doing an AC 140. They will ask you to provide proof of I824. That is the receipt you should get when you change from AOS ( I485) to CP.

Which consulate did your moron attorney send the case to. If you let us know there are still chances of salvaging the case. Other wise expect dealys of close to 6-9 months.

You dont have to be Legal to read English. Guess your attorney is as dumb as they come. Goodluck man.

PS: The offer stands, if you give us more details we can help you salvage your case.

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Cashier Checks...

Hi Bapa...

I have a question. I have sent my two Cashier Checks ( for Myself & wife) to St. Lus on 16th of October by taking separate check for each. When I contact bank they said mine got cleared on Nov 4th but not my wife's. Howcome this happence...? Howlong do I have to wait still? Could you please give me an idea of what to do...?


Did you received two visa fee bills?

Did you receive two visa fee bills? one for u and another for your wife?

or else

you took copy of your visa fee bill, wrote her name on it and sent it to St.Louis?
Thanks Bapa

Dear Bapa,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts in details and your concern mate.

My consulate is Sydney, Australia.

The points you made are worth a thought - and I agree that after reading most of the posts here on this forum about the CP procedures I was a bit worried bloke.

However now that I know that the consulate has gotten my P3 and have indicated that once they get their numbers they would schedule an interview by Dec or Jan??? - I am not woried.

My case is as simple as you can think. I have been working on and off in the US for past 8-9 years or so. Always on H1-B.

Appreciating the whole GC process is a pain in the ass as it can get - I negotiated a offer to join a company back in CA that they would directly hire me by doing my GC. Meanwhile I thought I would spent some quality time back home in Sydney (gee one can only live in CA for some time at a strech).

That's exactly were things are mate.

Interestingly I agree that you don't have to be a legal guy to read English - however it might be my ignorance that I have missed out on some INS info sites that explains the CP procedure per consulate/country. Can you please point out where this info is that made you pin point on the countries such as India, Canada, china for a certain procedures???? -- Regards.
Thanks bmh_in_oz. I did look at the site you suggested. However what do you infer from that ??

Processing in Canada, Albania or on the continent of Africa is different from the rest of the world??? Or are there further classifications.

For example I am trying to find how the procedure should work for say application made in China or India or France or Australia. Where is that kinda information given in detail??
Processing in Canada, Albania or on the continent of Africa is different from the rest of the world???


For example I am trying to find how the procedure should work for say application made in China or India or France or Australia. Where is that kinda information given in detail??

The only difference is in documents required or obtainable at each post. These are specified in DOS FAM Appendix C.
Cashier Checks...


Thanks for the response...

No, I have received only one visa bill that is for $670. What I did was, I have taken two checks for each $335 and mailed out togeather in the cover they attached to the P3 which is addressing to St. Lus. I don't understand what to do... I called NVC last Friday... and they said, they haven't received anything from St.Lus. yet and asked me to call them back after 2 weeks. As there is no direct line that we can use to contact St.Lus... staff I am concerned abt this. Please adivse.... if you have any thoughts...




Did you received two visa fee bills?
Did you receive two visa fee bills? one for u and another for your wife?

or else

you took copy of your visa fee bill, wrote her name on it and sent it to St.Louis?

My checks were mailed to STL on 10.30.02. I just checked with the issuing bank they are not encashed yet.

Hope they will get encashed in a day or two.
Is the Immig. Fee $ 335 per person. How about children ?

Is the Immig. Fee $ 335 per person.
How about children ? We are 2 adults and 2 children ?

Will the total bill amount to (4 * $ 335) ?

