National Benefit Center


Registered Users (C)
Today I got an e mail that my case has been transfered to National Benefit Center. Anybody in the same boat? Any views on this?
Yeah. In the same boat.. just before you!

Refer to my signature. My case moved from CSC => NSC => MSC(05/21/07 last move date). MSC has updated the status that they have recieved the transferred case. The last update on case happened on 06/03/2007(Sunday). SO suprised to note that they are working on a Sunday to bring in immigrants to the country..

Anyway.. I am expecting an interview. This center MSC works as transit facility to move cases from %SCs to district offices. Any specific point on your case that it may warrant an interview.. AC21 or any minor brush with the law?? What category are you and what is your PD?
I also got email saying my case is moved to NBC.
Mine is substitution labor with feature employment.
No interview yet

On 05/30/2007, MSC updated status online that they have recieved my case. There are another update with no message change on 06/03(Sunday huh.. may be some system update).. Nothing beyond that. I updated my address online today because I found out that my zip code was incorrect and belong to the last address I lived. My attorney is also going to make a call to confirm that correction took place soon. I am expecting that I will interviewed in DO in San Jose, CA
Hi Madeonemistake,
Did you recive interview?? What will be your office ??
Looked at last Biometric notice

I got a bio metric notice in early May. Didnt notic it then but was still wondering why I had to go 50 miles to go for fingure printing instead of another center 10 miles from my home.

I moved from San Francisco area to San Jose area just to make sure that I get interview call from San Jose instead of SFO because I read too many "Delay" stories in SFO and people got interview calls years after getting their case transferred. San Jose DO used to take only a few months.

But since I was asked to go for fingure printing in SFO so I was thinking.. what the heck.. Hence I just read my FP notice again and found out, it has my new address and old zip code.. Letter reached me(Thank USPS) but still zip code was wrong.

Good luck. How did you know your address was wrong ??
I been transferred too

I been in close contact with madeonemistake about this and there is a bunch of guys on that are in the same boat too, in the 140/485 concurrent, we are trying to keep that tread alive over there, and theare are few cases that were transferred around the same day, you can refer to my signature, whoever hear first from the please put your inputs rightaway so we can share info and be ready for anything that may come on our way