Name checks and security checks dilema !!!


Registered Users (C)
I have allways wondered , how these EB1 and EB2 cases get aproved so fast , because i'm sure they pass thru all these checks too ??? I know that probably they have higher priority because their high qualifications , and i totally agree with that !!! But My concern is how these cases passed the name checks and security checks so fast , and the other cases , like EB3 and ....etc. , they are just stuck in these checks made for years and never got a response yet , even when some of these cases are almost allready aproved !!! There it's something strange , no ???
What do you think guys , please make me understand why is that ???
i dont think thats true. I am EB2 and current since apr 2006. However I was also stuck in name check. After writing to congressman, senators, FBI, infopass, I finally got cleared by FBI recently. However as per USCIS, my name check request was sent on Dec 2004 which is immediately after my I485 application.

So I think, name check does not discriminate with EB categories.
I have allways wondered , how these EB1 and EB2 cases get aproved so fast , because i'm sure they pass thru all these checks too ??? I know that probably they have higher priority because their high qualifications , and i totally agree with that !!! But My concern is how these cases passed the name checks and security checks so fast , and the other cases , like EB3 and ....etc. , they are just stuck in these checks made for years and never got a response yet , even when some of these cases are almost allready aproved !!! There it's something strange , no ???
What do you think guys , please make me understand why is that ???
I applied under EB1 and had to wait for 18 months to clear namecheck..finally I made it after non-stop efforts and trying everything!! I do not think FBI or USCIS cares about the categories.IMO, the main reason for EB1-2 cases being approved faster are because of their PDs being current in comparison with EB3.
Good luck everyone,
Please check the yahoo groups for "namechecktracker" to have an understanding. FBI does not care whether you are eb1,eb2 or eb3. They are very socialistic .
As for me, I am an EB2 waited for more then two years
Hi yoginm73 , Toxsci and retrohatao ,

Maibe i'm wrong , but i agree that in your cases , didn't apply my concern , and probably that out there are more cases like yours !!!
But i've met some cases on this forum , that they were aproved and for sure that were faster than yours , and also cases wich were to be aproved , and they were delayed because of this name or security checks !!! That's what was bothering me , and i still think that somebody is doing something there , maibe FBI side or the USCIS system !!! Just my impression on this !!!
Again , maibe i'm wrong , but this was a conclusion of mine !!!
Thanks again for your posts , and i promise that i'll continue to check on this !!!
And i hope also that for your unsolved cases , you'll get an aswer soon !!!

All the best wishes to everybody on this forum !!!


I am EB2 also, and as you can see from my signature I have been waiting for over 2 years also for namecheck. I just had my congressman check into it, and was told to wait another 6 months at least.
question to Toxsci

Did your I-485 online status change to 'Card Ordered'/'Card Mailed' after it's approved? Some people got 'Welcome Notice', some didn't, it doesn't seem to be consistent.


Toxsci said:
I140 and 485 (EB1-OR). TSC
RD-Oct 22, 2004; FP-May 17, 2005
RFE-Apr 19, 2005(permanent position); I140 approved on Jun 28, 2005
I485-PD 10-22-04. Name-check Submitted Nov. 2004.Cleared on May 19 (received FBI e-mail)
I485-Approved on 6-12-06 Approval Notice recd. 6-17-06; Green cards received 6-19-06
Z2 said:
Did your I-485 online status change to 'Card Ordered'/'Card Mailed' after it's approved? Some people got 'Welcome Notice', some didn't, it doesn't seem to be consistent.

Yes it did change. Actually first I got card ordered e-mail and later approved e-mail. After 3 days LUD changed to 'card mailed'
Good luck to you,

Thanks. I just got the 'card mailed' email. I didin't get the 'card ordered' email though.

Toxsci said:
Yes it did change. Actually first I got card ordered e-mail and later approved e-mail. After 3 days LUD changed to 'card mailed'
Good luck to you,
ab kya karun said:
I am EB2 also, and as you can see from my signature I have been waiting for over 2 years also for namecheck. I just had my congressman check into it, and was told to wait another 6 months at least.

hi ab kya karun ,

I know that this is the biggest problem on today's cases wich are still pending !!! Hopefully somebody will step up to do something about this !!! All our long time waiting cases have to deal with the same problem , when i've called USCIS , i've got the same response !!!
I see , some people found out that FBI name checks are slow due to the fees and fewer workers taking care of this problem they have to deal with , some other found out that the name check is done , but the USCIS Head Quarter do not make the updates on name check status , on time , in their systems , so everybody is just confused by these finds !!!
We do not have something else to do , just to wait for them to do their jobs sometime in the near future , and go on with our lives !!!
And maibe day....!!!

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Can you post your case details? Where you stuck in Name check? If so, give the details of it also (when it got cleared).


Z2 said:
Thanks. I just got the 'card mailed' email. I didin't get the 'card ordered' email though.

PD :May 2001
I485 RD: 9/2004
Name check started: 9/15/2004
I485 Approved: 6/22/06, Card Mailed on 6/27/06

stuck at name check, mailed to congress/senators, don't know if it worked or just it's my turn.

yoginm73 said:
Can you post your case details? Where you stuck in Name check? If so, give the details of it also (when it got cleared).
