Name Check

Go to FBI to get name check done

Hi, It is my impression that somebody on this forums ever posted that they went to FBI to get the name check result the same day. Dose anybody remember this? please help sine my case is pending on name check. Thanks
Urget Regd Name Check

I got call from FBI regarding name check, the lady took my email address and she told me that by Monday or Tuesday I would get result to my email address. One more thing she told to tell my friends who ever send fax to FBI for name check they have include email address or fax number because they said it will take time to call personal . So I request you guys to include email address or fax back number

All the best

Re: From FBI

I got email from FBI with following message .......So here is my Question what uscis is waiting on ?

This is in reference to your facsimile dated April 28, 2004, concerning the immigration status of you and your wife, The FBI completed a record check for you and your wife, Sudheshna Odela. The FBI completed a record check for you on December 20, 2002, and for your wife on December 30, 2002. The results were forwarded to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
All the best ......

shashi, what did you inlcude when faxing to FBI for name check?


Please advise.
