Name Check!contribute your story.


New Member
There is an immediate oppotunity to solve the name check problem. We had lobbyiest need stories about name check. Please contribute to the following congress man. Below is the message.
Please make a phone call THURSDAY to your Congressman' s local office.
If you can schedule an appointment ON THIS FRIDAY, DO IT! Next week
would be too late. When you call them, ask for the IMMIGRATION staff
and remember his/her NAME. Tell him/her your sufferings due to name
check delay. Tell him/her that this is a NATIONAL SECURITY issue in
additional to immigration backlog---The faster the name check, the
safter the country. Tell that many many others are stuck in the
security check, that Legal Immigrant Association, along with American
Families United are proposing a language to fix the problem, that our
Lobbyist Bruce Morrsion and Paul Donnelly will follow up with their
DC office.

Then, most importantly, email the NAME of the staff you talked with
to Paul Donnelly immediately after you call. Paul's email:
pauldonnelly@ mindspring. com

The key districts are: (district maps are available at the law makers
website. Go to to find his/her name)

Dave Obey, acting Chairman*, Wisconsin, district 7
Patrick J. Kennedy, Rhode Island, district 1
Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania, district 2
Dutch Ruppersberger, Maryland, district 2
Adam Schiff, California, district 29
Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut, district 3
David Price, North Carolina, district 4
Rodney Frelinghuysen, Ranking Member, New Jersey, district 11
John Culberson, Texas, district 7
Hal Rogers, Kentucky, district 5
Tom Latham, Iowa, district 4
Robert Aderholt, Alabama, district 4
Jerry Lewis, California, district 41

If you would like to help but are not in a key district, please help
with a DONATION. Without lobbyists' effort, we can achieve little by
ourselves. we need your support to pay their service fee.

To donate to LIA:

To donate to AFU:
http://americanfami liesunited. org/donate