Name Change


Registered Users (C)
I have two questions:

1. I have requested my last name to be matched with my husband's last name. Charlotte DO usually does the oath the same day if your interview is early in the AM. In my case (name change), will INS be able to do the oath the same day?

2. If I want to not change my name, although I have selected to do so in the N400 app, can I revert back and cancel that option during my interview?


TSC RD: 7/20/06
FP: 8/11/06
IL Recd: 12/7/06
ID: 1/11/07
Reading on serveral post.They dont do oath on same day if you want to change your name.Folks here suggest do it later, If you are in hurry to get you oath done.
I just posted a new thread probing about this same question. My wife actually requested the name change (last name only) at the interview and it has been almost 2 months since the interview and she has not heard anything, although we both had the interviews the same day and I have since become a USC.

I think you should keep yours as it is, since once they call you for your interview they would have addressed that issue by then. My 2 cents.