Name Change friends !! I am scared I may be the only one remaining


Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends,
                Lately no news has been flowing on our plight. I have not been successful in contacting HQ or VSC nor Rajiv Khanna. Please post some good news for some oxygen to us
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I am also in the same situation. Just waiting ...
Some of us have started to file I-140 again. I am not sure whether that will work....

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Why are you FORGETTING ME ??? I am still here standing right side by you !!!!!

Still waiting
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I am also in the process of redoing I 140. Not sure whether it will work or not. Since there is no option, taking a chance. Are they considering the redo I 140 seperately or it goes to the general I 140 queue?
Did any of your lawyers talk to the INS regarding this? I am prompting my lawyer, let you know if anything interesting happened.