Name change during Interview


Registered Users (C)

I believe we can request for a name change during the interview...and before the oath....does that delay the timeframe between interview and oath...are there any issues to watch out for....I filed the N-400 but have not requested a name change in the application....planning to do so during the interview...if there are no issues and no delays...


I believe we can request for a name change during the interview...and before the oath....does that delay the timeframe between interview and oath...are there any issues to watch out for....I filed the N-400 but have not requested a name change in the application....planning to do so during the interview...if there are no issues and no delays...


As i was explained at the interview, if you got married and changing your last name then it’s is not an issue at all and it will not slow down your process. I had my last name changed after interview since i got married.......i am not sure about anything else
I requested to add my middle name at the end of the interview, the officer said I should have asked for this at the begining of the interview because we had already signed all the paperwork and the pictures as well,
but he did it anyways becuase as he said, it was either then or by a court later.

I believe we can request for a name change during the interview...and before the oath....does that delay the timeframe between interview and oath...are there any issues to watch out for....I filed the N-400 but have not requested a name change in the application....planning to do so during the interview...if there are no issues and no delays...


Search the forum, there are lot of posts on this topic.

In short if depends on DO. At DOs that have same day oath (like Atlanta), your oath can be delayed (Since judicial oaths are only 4-5 times a year) Other DOs where all oaths are judicial, it may not matter.