N400 Timelines South Carolina

updated processing times

As of september 13, Charleston seems to have moved up to processing applications with the PD of February 2005. I guess that's an improvement. I'm convinced, though, that these dates are completely meaningless.

I wonder if KinSC ever got the oath letter?

I did get my oath letter. The oath ceremony is scheduled for September 22 in Charleston. I will certainly share my expriences when I get back.

Any news on your application?

Hi Danagirl,

What's your timeline?


My timeline: (SC/Upstate)
Sent to TSC on 05/01/06

PO 05/04/06
ND 06/02/06
FP 06/17/06


We are 2 weeks apart....looks like we are going to be here either 3 more mo. based on Greer's dates or 13 mo. based on Charleston's dates. Which one is going to be? I want to believe that Santa is going to bring us for Christmas the present of Citizenship! Wouldn't that be great?!

Hang in there, girl!

Completed oath in SC

I was sworn in this past Friday 9/22/06 in Charleston.

My letter requested that I show up for the ceremony about 30 to 45 minutes early. It turns out this time is so all the candidates can turn in their Green Cards, confirm some information and sign their Naturalization certificate.

There were 2 people who were late, which held up our ceremony for about 5 minutes. Once everyone had signed in, we were ushered into another room were the lady processing our certificates welcomed us and assured as that it was almost all over.

She was very corteous and seemed genuinely excited about helping us become US citizens. After rearanging us, (in some order I still have not figured out), family and friends were allowed into the room and encouraged to take as many pictures as they wanted. Next the officer in charge of the Charleston office came into the room.

After brief remarks congratulating us we raised our right hands and repeated the oath after her. The last piece of business was to say the pledge of allegiance. The whole ceremony lasted about 50 minutes.

Now here is some info you might helpfull. :)

She said processing times in SC were currently about 6.5 months, and was hoping to have that to within 6 months by the end of October. She has been holding same day oath ceremonies in Charleston for the last couple of months, my group had about 35 people; there was another ceremony scheduled for that afternoon. Unfortunately since she is the only person in the state who can swear people in she as to be at every ceremony, so Greer will not have same day processing.

There were a number of people whose pictures were the old 3/4 turn. Which means they filed their applications before the change in mid 2004. But clearly SC is catching up wit the rest of the nation.

So good luck to all, let me know as your timelines progress.


PD 12/20/05
FP 02/17/06
ID 08/11/06
OD 09/22/06 Done
Congratulations, KinSC! I'm very happy for you. And thanks for the information about processing times. It's quite encouraging.
Good News!!!!

My husband has received his interview letter (for Greer, SC) TODAY....5 month after N400 application....

We have applied together beginning of May 2006. We had the FP together middle of June and NOW he had received his letter!!!!! I have not received anything yet, but he did. His case dissapeared from the website on Oct.5, 2006. The letter arrived today, Oct. 7, 2006. Amazing!!!!!


Our timeline: (SC/Upstate)
Sent to TSC on 05/01/06

PO 05/04/06
ND 06/02/06
FP 06/17/06
Great news, Adina! Your letter must be on the way! I'm so excited for you! When is your husband's interview?
My husband's interview is on Nov. 15.

Now, I'll be waiting for mine. Hopefully, it will be soon....


Ourtimeline: (SC/Upstate)
Sent to TSC on 05/01/06

PO 05/04/06
ND 06/02/06
FP 06/17/06
Husband's inteview 11/15/06
My interview Only God knows!!!!!
Thanks for the info. I hope your letter comes soon. Be sure to let us know how your husband's (and your) interview experience goes. Good luck!
I sure will...
When he goes for the interview, on Nov.15, I might get an infopass and go have a little chat with those ladies in Greer about my case. I have no energy to start fighting again. It's like a deja-vue...


It's been only a week since your husband got his interview letter. You may very well be getting yours in a matter of days......At least you know now that your case will be handled at Greer and not Charleston (charleston seems to have a much longer processing time).
I don't think that their published processing times mean anything. Look at the Charleston data...they are back in 2003...based on what they published a few days ago... and Greer I don't think that processes anything. They just do the interviews...IF my file is in Geer I am lucky, if not...God helps me! I remember 5 years ago, they were telling me that they are waiting to get enough cases to have lots of interviews in one day. I was waiting for the GC interview...my case was current since Nov. 2000 and I had the interview in July 2001!!!!!! The waiting was a killer. On top of everything, at the interview I found out that they don't have my previous A file!!!! I went though HELL...congressmen, INS lawyers etc....I am JUST afraid that that stupid file is the same issue right now... You see, if my fears are right, I go back in the game contacting everybody I know and I don't know...I am too tired for that, I don't know if I have enough energy to go through that again.
We'll see...


I'm really sorry to hear that you went through all that for your GC. However, now, it's too early to be so concerned. The odds that the same file issue has occurred are very very small. A week, or a month, between sending out interview letters means nothing to the INS people. Your husband's file might have been with an officer who was doing things more quickly. You should really give it some time before getting worried. If you haven't heard anything by Nov. 15, doing an infopass appointment is a great idea. Until then, there is no use in getting anxious. I truly hope your letter arrives very soon.
You're right. I should channel my worries towards something else. You see, my husband says that if don't worry, I am not myself. It's part of me...making plans and being readyfor whatever comes. The exercise with the GC was very unpleasant. I was like a wild animal in a cage...
I hope that that won't happen again.

What about you? Have you heard anything? What part of SC are you from?


I am from the midlands, halfway between Charleston and Greer. So my case could go anywhere. I haven't heard anything yet, and my case status online has not changed. I'm trying hard not to start worrying prematurely. It's just so frustrating to see that both our neighbors, Atlanta and Charlotte, are now finishing these cases within three months.