N400, N652- "Decision cannot be made on your application"


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N400, N652- "Decision cannot be made on your application", Detroit

PD April 12, 07
FP April 28th, 07
Citizenship Interview July 27th, 07

Attented the interview in July 27th afternoon at Detroit. Officer called me after 15min and both went to his cube. After the oath he opened my N400 application and started asking all the questions. On one question where it says "Are you memeber of any social clubs etc....", I said, yes I am a member of AAA club. He made a correction there because on the application I answered "No". He changed it to "Yes" and wrote in the space AAA club.
After that he asked the interview questions and I answered all correctly. later he gave me to write a simple sentence and asked to read a simple sentence.

After that he said you have passed the interview and we need to do some background check. As of now he said it is pending. He gave me an N652 form on which You passed the interview was checked and "A decision cannot be made yet also was checked".

Ay advice from anyone who had similar experiences??. Does Interviews happen without clearing background checks??.
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I filed my N-400 almost 3 years ago, had an interview almost 2 years ago (with the same result as yours) and just recently had my background checks completed. Will be sworn in in late August.

Back when I filed it was a standard practice to have an interview before the completion of a background check. Hence all the people stuck in name check. One can sue FBI for delays with name check, provided that you had already passed your interview (although that is getting harder and harder to do). I hear that the USCIS is currently trying to revise their policy and actually wait to have an interview until the background checks are complete. And that, my friend, is not very good because that makes it nearly impossible to sue them.

Lots of patience and good luck to you.
In the same boat

My wife had a similar experience. she went for interview on June 18th after waiting for almost 9 months for the name check to clear. SHe had a similar experience where the IPI gave her N-652 with a "decision cannot made" due to background check issue. We contacted the senator and he in turn contacted the USCIS. They came back saying that application was approved and is in the re-verify process. I have no idea what this re-verify is. we are still waiting at this point.
Is AAA a social club ?

Is AAA a social club ?. I thought it was Automobile Association of America. Or is this something else ?

I don't think I would have answered yes to this question.

same here

PD April 12, 07
FP April 28th, 07
Citizenship Interview July 27th, 07

Attented the interview in July 27th afternoon at Detroit. Officer called me after 15min and both went to his cube. After the oath he opened my N400 application and started asking all the questions. On one question where it says "Are you memeber of any social clubs etc....", I said, yes I am a member of AAA club. He made a correction there because on the application I answered "No". He changed it to "Yes" and wrote in the space AAA club.
After that he asked the interview questions and I answered all correctly. later he gave me to write a simple sentence and asked to read a simple sentence.

After that he said you have passed the interview and we need to do some background check. As of now he said it is pending. He gave me an N652 form on which You passed the interview was checked and "A decision cannot be made yet also was checked".

Ay advice from anyone who had similar experiences??. Does Interviews happen without clearing background checks??.

i went to my interview in detroit on june 18 too and i passed the interview but the officer told me that a decision cannot be made because my original A-file has not been transfered with my application for a final adjucation.
at this point im still waiting to take oath and thats about it.

i dont think that yours is a name or a background check because there is Memo that Uscis had in 2006 that no interviews should be conducted unless ur name and background check clears, but maybe the officer want to verify that ur AAA club is not a bad organization and that its just a regular club and thats what he meant by this check.

let me know what happens with you im still waiting for detroit office to finish my case so i can be a citizen
AAA, the regular automotive club. Yes kartheg you are right. I should have kept quite but it just came out when he asked that question.
brb2:I should have clarified with the officer that even Sams or Costco fall under same category.

I am also thinking the same way as worried2007.Since DO has made a correction on my application regarding the AAA club either he must not have authority to approve right away or it has to go through proper channel again.

Thanks for the good input guys!.
I had this happen to me. Though mine was the case that they schedualed and gave me my interview a week before my actual 3 years of PR was up. So because they did mine a week early, I got the "decision cannot be made at this time".

It's just a formality since the IO only recommends you anyways. It's up to their heads who they forward it on to, to make the official decision if you should get an oath or not.

Many different reasons for it, but I wouldn't worry about it at all (and not the AAA thing is going to cause that to occur). Be patient and unless you get something in the mail saying they need more information from you, you should get your oath. Mine came about a month after...
The reason for the delay

I don't think your application is delayed because you said you were a member of the AAA club.

I believe becuase you originaly answered NO in the application and now you answered YES, that triggered a recheck of your background.

First of all AAA is not a social club. A social club is a club where you meet others for socializing. Perhaps the officer mistook for KKK club.

I feel the officer was not on your side in correcting you but rather took the opportunity to delay your application.
WOM 1447(b) lawsuit preparation

I am preparing a WOM 1447(b) Pro Se lawsuit. Is the description of the main
steps at
still considered current?
I am not sure how the actual complaint should be phrased. Is
still a good reference?
Should it be typed double spaced, with line numbers on the left, etc.?

I will be filing with US District Court in MD.

N-400 Feb. 2005, FP April 2005
Citizenship Interview passed on 6/24/05, "No decision can be made"
Waiting for FBI NameCheck to clear (confirmed by letters
from both MD senators and by a letter from USCIS service center
in Baltimore, all in Spring 2007).
USCIS web site shows last update to my case on 4/30/05
Filed a FOIPA request (May 07), got a "No records" answer, June 07.
Is AAA a social club ?. I thought it was Automobile Association of America. Or is this something else ?

I don't think I would have answered yes to this question.

I agree. I figured that they didn't care if I had a membership card from AAA, Sam's Club, Shopper's Advantage or anything like that. It tells them nothing about your views, beliefs, inclinations, etc (except maybe that you like saving money just like everyone else). I wasn't even sure if I should mention IEEE which is a technical association but went ahead and did that.

I am in the same boat. The officer forgot to stamp my passport when I entered the country and now I have to go through this!
IEEE ??.

You should have used a lawyer to file your application.

There is nothing wrong in mentioning Toastmasters, IEEE etc. These are all good memberships, go ahead and write them. It shows a commitment to your professional development. Thats all.
did you get the oeath ?

very similar situation happened with me, the IO told me that they need to do more background checks
AAA actually is a lobbyist organization. Most people join for the roadside assistance, but AAA is actually an association of local auto clubs.

I'm an AAA member and put it on my N-400 app but I spelt out American Automobile Association.

I also put IEEE and ARRL (I'm a ham radio operator) so no biggie... I'll see what happens on the interview day.

I didn't want to lie to USCIS so I listed these organizations. As long as they are not political (such as the communist party) I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Since I told in the interview that I am a member of AAA club, the officer wrote AAA club in the required field and asked me to verify it. I said that is correct, but I should have asked him to write down the full "American Automobile Association". I guess this might cause some delay.
Since I told in the interview that I am a member of AAA club, the officer wrote AAA club in the required field and asked me to verify it. I said that is correct, but I should have asked him to write down the full "American Automobile Association". I guess this might cause some delay.

It is possible that the IO was a little dense and did not realize you were talking about the American Automobile Association. I don't think it comes under the Social Club category anyway. Just hope that this did not trigger another round of background checks. One of the times when being honest got you into trouble.

Good luck and I hope you get your oath letter soon !
