N400 denied. Received N-336. What are our options?


New Member
Dear friends,

My wife's N400 was denied. She failed the test both times. First time she failed in civics and writing and then second time she failed the writing part. I was wondering if we filed the appeal and hired an attorney, are there any chances for her to get the N400 approved? Is it better to re-file N400 or better to file appeal? I don't know the success rate for N-336. I hope someone would point me to right direction.

If she is denied for failing civics or writing twice, the only basis of appeal I can think of are (1) she answered correctly but the interviewer said she was wrong, or (2) the interviewer asked her something unreasonable -- either a civics question that wasn't in the list of questions in the booklet, or for writing they asked her to write a long elaborate paragraph. Do either of those apply?