N-400 What sort of documents do I need


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I immigrated to U.S. in June 2006. In 2007 I had to go to my country for 4 months and 9 days. I had to go back to my country in 2008 and stayed there for 7 months and 21 days. I had to stay for this time because my mother who is a US citizen but was staying back was sick and I had to bring her back to US, another reason was that I had to sell my property back home. My mother, brothers, sister and my family (wife + three kids) are in US and remained in US for all the time while I was away, establishing that I had no intention to abandon my GC. I had been paying my credit card payments and has Insurance in my name for all the time while I was away.
Can I apply for Citizenship? if I can then what sort of documents I need to support my absence from US. I had the US Travel Document I-131 but did not use it.
You can apply th N-400 now, do not send any absence related supporting documents with your N-400, instead take em with you at the interview.
I don't believe you will have any issues related to your absence as it was just one time that it was for over 6 months in the last 5 years of the statutory period.