N-400 timeline for Muslims


New Member
AoA. Just wondering how long is the N-400 timeline for Muslims. Would appreciate if you could share your information. Here is mine:

FO: Hartford
PD: 08/10/2006
FD: 09/08/2006
IL: Waiting
786N400 said:
AoA. Just wondering how long is the N-400 timeline for Muslims. Would appreciate if you could share your information. Here is mine:

FO: Hartford
PD: 08/10/2006
FD: 09/08/2006
IL: Waiting

How pathetic and racial that post is? I hope the moderators remove it ASAP.
786N400 said:
AoA. Just wondering how long is the N-400 timeline for Muslims. Would appreciate if you could share your information. Here is mine:

FO: Hartford
PD: 08/10/2006
FD: 09/08/2006
IL: Waiting

See my signature. My FO is also Hartford.
Good luck
The process has no "religious" component at all.

Name check screws up a lot of folks, but that isn't entirely a function of religion or national origin. Many (but not all) Chinese, for example, get caught in the name check net. My wife is Egyptian and has an Arabic name, and breezed through (she took the oath at the beginning of the summer). I'm Canadian and have a white bread name and I'm still waiting for my interview (though not because of name check).

Everything is just a matter of luck.
Takadigi, I don't see why would you call my post pathetic and racial? It was just a straight-forward, simple question. If it offends you in anyway, I humbly suggest you igonre this thread, please. Thanks.
786N400 said:
AoA. Just wondering how long is the N-400 timeline for Muslims. Would appreciate if you could share your information. Here is mine:

FO: Hartford
PD: 08/10/2006
FD: 09/08/2006
IL: Waiting
My colleague is an Iranian and got his naturalization process done in about six months. His case took less time than mine. If you think that being a muslim would have a disadvantage in the U.S., then you would run into other social problems later.
786N400 said:
Takadigi, I don't see why would you call my post pathetic and racial? It was just a straight-forward, simple question. If it offends you in anyway, I humbly suggest you igonre this thread, please. Thanks.

one of the great things about this country is atleast try NOT to have religious discrimination!

Whether you argue it exists or NOT - you bluntly putting a question like that makes people who read it think its common place!

you may have given up on racial indiscrimnation - but a lot of people dont want a religous bias - and first step is not to portray it as common place!

I am not saying your post should be removed - u have the freedom of speech - so do other people who wrtie what they think!

a person who read ur post and mine will have a balanced view - rather than a person who read ur posts alone!
Flydog said:
The process has no "religious" component at all.

Name check screws up a lot of folks, but that isn't entirely a function of religion or national origin. Many (but not all) Chinese, for example, get caught in the name check net. My wife is Egyptian and has an Arabic name, and breezed through (she took the oath at the beginning of the summer). I'm Canadian and have a white bread name and I'm still waiting for my interview (though not because of name check).

Everything is just a matter of luck.
Yes, but your wife is Christian, and the guy is talking about muslim applicants. Also, Unfortunately, USCIS, at least the DO i dealt with, distinct among males and females; in your wife's case, she is a Christian Female and maybe, i say Maybe, that's why she breezed through the process.

Having said all that, there is no 100% logice when it comes to USCIS, sometimes a muslim guy could have a very smooth process, and a guy or a girl with non-muslim non-arabic name could end up stuck in the process somewhere. But we can always talk about the higher possibility.

Good luck and I hope your process goes smoother!
Hello 786N400,
I used to believe that name check is to do with just Muslims but after a very through investigation I have changed my perception. In my case my wife and I both have same middle and last name even having same first letter of first name but she had her citizenship and my name stuck in security check. The whole citizenship process from sending application to interview completed in less than six month. I also, found that there are two senators, whom names are also in the security check. Also, in this thread I found that folks from different countries having same issue, security check, even women, did not make any sense? It is possible that people could be bias but I do not think that you could make a bias system because then it would be challenged in the court of law. My suggestion is not to think in this way and look for a law that would help you to resolve your issue. You may sue USCIS, please check the first thread.
Thank you.

786N400 said:
AoA. Just wondering how long is the N-400 timeline for Muslims. Would appreciate if you could share your information. Here is mine:

FO: Hartford
PD: 08/10/2006
FD: 09/08/2006
IL: Waiting
786riz said:
Hello 786N400,
I used to believe that name check is to do with just Muslims but after a very through investigation I have changed my perception. In my case my wife and I both have same middle and last name even having same first letter of first name but she had her citizenship and my name stuck in security check. The whole citizenship process from sending application to interview completed in less than six month. I also, found that there are two senators, whom names are also in the security check. Also, in this thread I found that folks from different countries having same issue, security check, even women, did not make any sense? It is possible that people could be bias but I do not think that you could make a bias system because then it would be challenged in the court of law. My suggestion is not to think in this way and look for a law that would help you to resolve your issue. You may sue USCIS, please check the first thread.
Thank you.

If you read the name check testimony on the FBI site it looks like the way it works is that they use some variant of a soundex search. This search takes your name, twists and turns it and massages it and produces a list of numbers. If any one of these numbers is close within a range to a list of numbers of names that they have in their files, then your name gets flaged for manual intervention. Then within 60 days someone manually determines if the trap was reasonable and lets you go otherwise, howver this manual process is backlogged I think. Possibly those whose numbers matches are more closer need more work to untangle. Its a rather strange & arbitrary approach. The 2006 USCIS Ombudsman report calls for eliminating the name check totally. It appears to me that this is the least priority job for them and they do it when they dont have other things to do.

Having said that it is not unreasonable to expect that your chances of match might be higher if your name soundex value comes out close to a person of their files. I have a pakistani friend of mine applied recently with as muslim a first and middle name as it gets, but a totally non muslim last name, and got thru everthing in 6 months. But I am stuck in name check and I dont have a muslim sounding name. My FOIPA came out no records. If anything I think once you get hit in name check, nationality seems to have some bearing on how soon you get released from that entrapment.
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I don't want to get into an argument, however, you have no way of knowing that my wife is Christian, nor does the USCIS -- religion plays no part in the process. Her family name is common amongst both Muslims and Morrocan Jews.
Flydog said:
I don't want to get into an argument, however, you have no way of knowing that my wife is Christian, nor does the USCIS -- religion plays no part in the process. Her family name is common amongst both Muslims and Morrocan Jews.
I am not arguing; i am just saying that your case is different than the one he is asking about. I know for a fact that your wife is not Muslim! She could be christian or Jew, but not muslim and that's for sure. If you think i have no way of knowing it, ask her, or any muslim friends you know. I am not here to get into discussion about muslim.

good luck.
over 1 year at least

i am from a dominantly muslim country with an arabic sounding name.
I've been waiting over 6 months for name check clearence and I do not expect to see anything happening within 12 months. The reason I am saying this is that I got a lot of friends waiting for over a year and STILL WAITING.

good luck though.
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I am from India and have an unique hindu name but got stuck in the name check process for more than 16 months and just became a US citizen. Most of my friends from India got their citizenship in under 6 months time. So, I don't think religion plays any part in the name check process.

Your observation is very unfair and emotional. Are you aware of new USCIS process effective May, 2006 that interview is scheduled only after name check is cleared? Remember, name check may take months or years. Please contact you congressman to request a congressional inquiry on your behalf. They are very helpful and this is the most effective way to expedite. It is lot better to pass interview nd come out with oath ceremeony letter than having frustration afterwards. Please avoid nast comments and language. I am a Muslim too but I know and judge people by their character, not by their religion. There are hundreds of Indian Hindus having same issue. It is not a bias against Muslims. Hope you are not offended. I and all others on this website (regardless of their religion) will give help you. I also had our name check pending (my wife, my son and I). My wife and son got their cleared at their own but took about 8 months. For me, my congressman has initiated a congressional inquiry with appropriate officials and has given me a deadline of November 30. Do it at your earliest. As a last word, be fair minded. All the best.
I would expect a muslim person, if identifiable, will on average take longer time to clear the process than a non-muslim.

just a guess.
It is not whether you have a Muslim Name or not ... It depends on whether you have a COMMON Name like John, James or whatever ...

I am a german with a french Name ... just because I have a french Name you wouldn't automatically assume I am french.

So just because someone has a Muslim sounding Name and might not even be one but we assume doesn't mean they are.

I think in a way it is discrimination and this thread should really be deleted before someone get's mad or says the wrong thing.
Ladybuggy said:
So just because someone has a Muslim sounding Name and might not even be one but we assume doesn't mean they are.

no, it isn't a 100% fool proof way. However, it is a statistically valid approach - and that's what the FBI is using, I suppose.

As to discrimination: if a woman is raped, and you are charged with finding the rappist. Would you spend equal amount of time on her male and female neighbors for fear of being accused of "gendar discrimination"?
I initially did not want to reply to a such a rascist titled post, here is my 2 cents.

Terrorism is just one part of the name check process.

If your last name ends with Bin LAden you will get checked not because you are a muslim but your name gets associated with a well known terrorist.

At the same time there are many Indian common names like Patel, Kumar, Shiv etc gets flagged because of a criminal with that common name.

Racial profiling is against the law that is they use a computer alogorithim to scan for names.
786N400 said:
AoA. Just wondering how long is the N-400 timeline for Muslims. Would appreciate if you could share your information. Here is mine:

FO: Hartford
PD: 08/10/2006
FD: 09/08/2006
IL: Waiting

I would be surprised if young muslim males were not screened a little closer than others. It is probably discriminatory and against the law but it is also human nature. Also, even though you could prove a trend, it would be very tough to prove that an individual screener was being racist in an individual instance.

My cousin was born, raised and still is a practising Roman Catholic but is called Ahmed after his grandfather who was a muslim. He is still waiting for his name check to clear 14 months after applying even though he applied on the same day as his Roman Catholic wife who has a non-muslim name. She got her citizenship in 5 months. This is only one instance and I am sure there are muslims with muslim-sounding names that have breezed through the N400 process; but I am not surprised -- and, frankly, neither is my cousin -- that his application has been delayed.

BTW: So far my timeline is exactly the same as yours and I am not muslim nor do I have a muslim-sounding name... so maybe it doesn't really matter...

AD: 08/05/06
PD: 08/10/06
FD: 09/08/06
