N-400 Questions (Interview scheduled 2 weeks from today)


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I have a couple of questions regarding my N-400 interview (scheduled 2 weeks from today):

1. I have an approved N-470 as I had gone on a temporary international assignment (< 1 year outside US and a 6 weeks trip to US to keep my stay outside US < 6 months). As per N-470, my spouse is required to stay with me as a member of household while living outside US in order to receive the benefits of approved N-470. What kind of documents might be asked at the interview to prove that my spouse was living with me during my assignment outside US? I had a lease agreement with my name on it but did not include the name of my spouse while I was renting during my stay outside US. Can I provide an affidavit (signed by me) verifying that my spouse stayed with me while living outside US? Will this affidavit be a sufficient proof of my spouse being a household member during my temporary stay outside US?

2. I was cited almost 4 weeks back for a traffic violation (speeding ticket). The fine is < $500 and I am planning to disclose it at the time of interview. I will try to get the receipt of the payment of my fine from the court but I am not sure whether I would be able to get it on time. Would it be sufficient to show a bank statement showing that the cheque has been withdrawn by the court as proof of payment? Also I am planning to attend the traffic school but I am not sure if I would be able to complete the traffic school and send the certificate of completion before my interview date. Would that be an issue if I am not able to complete the traffic school before the interview date?

Thanks in advance for your help !!!
1. I have an approved N-470 as I had gone on a temporary international assignment (< 1 year outside US and a 6 weeks trip to US to keep my stay outside US < 6 months). As per N-470, my spouse is required to stay with me as a member of household while living outside US in order to receive the benefits of approved N-470. What kind of documents might be asked at the interview to prove that my spouse was living with me during my assignment outside US? I had a lease agreement with my name on it but did not include the name of my spouse while I was renting during my stay outside US. Can I provide an affidavit (signed by me) verifying that my spouse stayed with me while living outside US? Will this affidavit be a sufficient proof of my spouse being a household member during my temporary stay outside US?

Depending on which DO you are interviewing at, this may not be an issue at all. For example, in Fairfax, VA IOs are not typically asking for documented evidence to prove responses to N-400 questions. To the question, "Did your spouse live with you the entire time while you were abroad?", when you say "Yes", I am not sure they say, "Can you provide any evidence to support this claim?". I don't see this as an issue but, assuming the worst case, do you have any photographs of both of you together while abroad? You could go look at the evidence lists that 3-year N-400 filers use to prove the validity of their marital union for ideas.

2. I was cited almost 4 weeks back for a traffic violation (speeding ticket). The fine is < $500 and I am planning to disclose it at the time of interview. I will try to get the receipt of the payment of my fine from the court but I am not sure whether I would be able to get it on time. Would it be sufficient to show a bank statement showing that the cheque has been withdrawn by the court as proof of payment? Also I am planning to attend the traffic school but I am not sure if I would be able to complete the traffic school and send the certificate of completion before my interview date. Would that be an issue if I am not able to complete the traffic school before the interview date?

This again depends on the general practice at your DO. Since your traffic ticket is < $500, and presumably did not involve drugs and alcohol, it is considered a minor traffic offense. You can bring it up to the IO if you want, but you don't have to. Or you can say, "I received a speeding ticket and I have paid it." They usually don't make a big deal about requesting evidence to prove you paid it. I wouldn't worry about the certificate from the traffic school. If you can get the court receipt or your own copy of the cancelled check, I think you will feel better going into the interview.

Good Luck!
2. I was cited almost 4 weeks back for a traffic violation (speeding ticket). The fine is < $500 and I am planning to disclose it at the time of interview. I will try to get the receipt of the payment of my fine from the court but I am not sure whether I would be able to get it on time.

Unless you got the ticket in another place that is very far from your home,
you can make a personal visit (*) to the court and ask the court clerk to print a receit right away.

(*) Such a visit will not mean you have to say Yes if the IO ask
if you went to court for your ticket. "going to court" in that context means going to court as a defendant in oegal proceeding. If you go to court to
directly pay the fine or pick up the recipt or court disposition docs that is different from "going to corut"
I have got two citations but no officer was involved. Both were camera citations (one for red light camera and the fee was $75 and the other citation was for speed camera fee $40).
I have paid both the fees. First one I have paid by check (I have the check copy from bank) and second one I have paid by credit card (I have the receipts).
I think these are sufficient. Please confirm!
(I am planning to show only if the IO asks for these)
I have got two citations but no officer was involved. Both were camera citations (one for red light camera and the fee was $75 and the other citation was for speed camera fee $40).
I have paid both the fees. First one I have paid by check (I have the check copy from bank) and second one I have paid by credit card (I have the receipts).
I think these are sufficient. Please confirm!
(I am planning to show only if the IO asks for these)

camera citations are like parking tickets. Forget about them
I have got two citations but no officer was involved. Both were camera citations (one for red light camera and the fee was $75 and the other citation was for speed camera fee $40).
I have paid both the fees. First one I have paid by check (I have the check copy from bank) and second one I have paid by credit card (I have the receipts).
I think these are sufficient. Please confirm!
(I am planning to show only if the IO asks for these)


Camera tickets are not citations. I have researched on this issue in the past. They are not even a traffic violation, they are considered a minor ordinance violation just like "parking tickets". They won't even hit your driving record whether you pay them or not. I would confidently select NO to such question on the N-400, but, when it comes down to the interview, I would just briefly mention it to the officer if asked about traffic violations although not really one.


Camera tickets are not citations. I have researched on this issue in the past. They are not even a traffic violation, they are considered a minor ordinance violation just like "parking tickets". They won't even hit your driving record whether you pay them or not. I would confidently select NO to such question on the N-400, but, when it comes down to the interview, I would just briefly mention it to the officer if asked about traffic violations although not really one.


Thanks jetector. I will do the same. I will not show him the receipts unless asked for them. I will briefly mention about the citations when asked.