N-400 question


Registered Users (C)
Hi my dear friends,

I have question about N-400 part 8 G.

I only have one marriage with my current spouse, do does my spouse. Should I leave N-400 Part 8 G blank or enter 1. It looks like if you enter something there you need to fill the following info that is all about the your spouse's prior marriage. Since none of us had prior marriage, shoud I l just leave it blank?
Count all marriages, past and present. The term "have been" includes past combined with present. If they mean only the past they'll say "had been". So if you're currently married with no prior marriages, enter "1".
Is my understanding correct?

Put 1 in G box and don't fill the following 1 and 2 under G about prior spouse info since we don't have prior spouse?