N-400 Newark Timeline

Hi Waratah ..
please ignore all these guys fighting over politics and apologies. Perhaps it's a childhood deprivation of some sort, or perhaps someone was dropped as a child .. who knows! i tried ... and have had enough too ..

anyways, it seems you're really frustrated at the process. I wouldn't give up so easily. Talking to them always leaves you more confused than before.
I spoke to my lawyer who spoke to a couple of officers he knows personally inside, and they said things were picking up, so hang in there ... time is the only cure here.

I have my fingerprinting appointment tomorrow and I'm taking it a day at a time. In the mean time, I look at it as an opportunity to make money and do as much as I can in this fantastic country. Just hang in there, and keep the research going, don't worry too much, you're probably a virgo! ;)
As my lawyer always says, worring never helped anyone ... stay positive.

I'll keep you posted.
No finger print notice yet

My priority date is July 1. Still have not received Finger print letter yet. On line status not showing up.

Any one in the similiar situation?
marina04 said:
My priority date is July 1. Still have not received Finger print letter yet. On line status not showing up.

Any one in the similiar situation?

Mark my words. You will get letter for interview in September '04. When you do get the letter, pls come thank me for this prediction.

Vote Bush '04
dimmsimm said:
Sure hope u're right dsfgh100, that would be a real encouraging sign ..

Remember what I said is a prediction based on some information I have. If the prediction comes true, I will reveal the information. If the prediction is wrong, I will ignore this thread and anyone who reminds me of this prediction.

Spirit of USA Personal Responsibility, Opportunity, Equality.
dsfgh100 said:
Remember what I said is a prediction based on some information I have. If the prediction comes true, I will reveal the information. If the prediction is wrong, I will ignore this thread and anyone who reminds me of this prediction.


If the prediction is wrong, how about you get the hell out of here.
dsfgh100 said:
waratah my friend. You have point (2) and (3) in your post. Where is point (1)? Or does your number system start from 2? Pls check and let me know if I missed some thing.

1) not to worry about not filing an AR-11 because Vermont already had my new address. (I filed my N-400 from my new address.) She told me sending the AR-11 to the address on the form was worthless at this point because the form would just move around and around many offices

Read this my friend, Do you know what a 'School' is? Have you ever been there?
Thank you, John Edwards!

John Edwards, thank you very much; it is clear you read my post BEFORE you made a comment.
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I had my fingerprints taken yesterday at Newark. I went there at 8am for a 9am appointment at 24 commerce street. They were very efficient, I couldn't believe it. Inspite of the crowd, 9am on the dot, I was being fingerprinted and done in 10 mins.
johnEdwards2012 said:
1) not to worry about not filing an AR-11 because Vermont already had my new address. (I filed my N-400 from my new address.) She told me sending the AR-11 to the address on the form was worthless at this point because the form would just move around and around many offices

Read this my friend, Do you know what a 'School' is? Have you ever been there?

In your school they start (1) some where inside a paragraph without any character to differentiate it from the rest of the sentence? Your school needs to be checked to make sure the english teacher is not on drugs.

Spirit of USA Personal Responsibility, Opportunity, Equality.
Hmmm! I thought this was ImmigrationPortal.Com. Most people come to this board to discuss immigration issues!

I don't think it is necessary to post for the sole reason to comment on a poster's spelling or grammar. I would assume most people on this board are from countries other than the US. English grammar and spelling are often different from American grammar and spelling. I am making sure my children learn both. In todays world I don't think anyone can afford to be insular.

Let's just focus on immigration issues! :D
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Newark -N400 interview DONE!!!

All Newark petitioners:

I promised to share my dates and experience after my interview. First of all my interview at Newark Service Center.

My interview date is 14/Oct/2004...yes it was just yesterday. The time for my interview is 8:33am. I arrived at 8:30am and there were tons of people already. When I walk in, I just need to drop my interview letter in the box and have a seat. I waited until 10:15am or so before I was called.

The interviewer is a nice lady, but she can speak fast during the interview (well trained to save us time). I was led to her office and sworn to tell the truth before sitting down. She was then patiently explain to me how to sign my name by writing (Not print) the first middle and last name and DON'T sign the way I normally do for the purposes of this process including my Naturalization certificate. She also showed me some examples of signatures who I should and should not sign.

After signing some papers and my submitted photos, she proceeded with my N-400 application. Asking question on my current address, name, if my name have been changed (if you are married after filing N-400, you may change your name at this time), occupation, Nationallity, Marital status, my wife name and, where did we marry and when. She then asked me for my married certificate, but I did not bring with me (it was not required unless I am familied based through my spouse). Good thing she did not really care if I have it with me or not.

After that, she went through all the questionaires on the N-400 about: Terrorist, communist, violation, travel oversea for more than 6 months and etc. I brought out the traffic violation for my speeding ticket, she said that has nothing to do with law violation.

Lastly, she proceeded with my history exams. I think she asked about 7 questions in total from the 100 questions. Then, asked me to write a sentence in English: "We have a clean house".

She congratulated me that I passed the exam and asked me to wait for a minute as we prepare two papers for me. One is the result of the interview (pass or fail and then recommended for citizenship or not) and the other is a notice for me to proceed for the Oath ceremony (come back at 11:15am for Oath).

The entire interview took like 5 to 7 minutes. I was free from 10:20am til 11:15am for the Oath. Went to the post office across the street and get the application form for US passport. Filled out the application and waited in the cafeteria until 11:10am and return to the room for my Oath.

From 11:15am until 12:20am, was just sitting to be called. Once called, they took my Oath notice and my GC. I was asked to checked if everything detail about my personal information on the Naturalization Certificate are correct and then sign (write out my full and complete name). In return, I was given a small booklet of Oath of Allegiate and a yellow sheet for Oath ceremony. Seated and waited until 12:55pm and was told that those have the yellow sheet can proceed to the other floor and room for Oath ceremony.

When we got there, I handed in the yellow notice and seated. The lady then informed us that if we have GC, expired GC or AP, we must return them now or mailed them in. The Oath ceremony started at 1:15pm. The supervisor of the Newark Service Center came in with a stack of Nat. Cert. (92 of us in total) in his hand. He first mentioned why we have to wait so long and commented that we must be hungry (Everyone are hungry, it is almost 1:30pm already). He mentioned that Newark is the ONLY STATE in US that you will get interviewed and to attend Oath cermony on the same day. They got the power from the court to sworn new citizen in. Oh! Yaaa! No extra waiting and other hassle.

Then he addressed a few things a new citizen may have questions like:
- Voting (too late for the presidential election) and registration.
- Travelling and passport (where to apply)
- Your child status (below 18 as of that day or not)
- The signature issue (We are only signing by writing out the name for their own purposes. We may return to our normal signature).

After that everyone stand and sworn on the allegiate of US. Then waiting again to be called to picked up the certificate and on our merry way. Then some of us headed to the post office to apply for our passports which is closing at 2pm. I got then just before 2pm and wait in line. The staffs were so nice to stay open until everyone in line submitted their passport application. By the time I was done, it was about 3pm. God bless their hearts to serve us and stay back.

My personal note: It does not matter if your interview is at 8:30am or 11:30am, everyone will be in the same ceremony. The later interview time will cut down your waiting time.

OK!! Here is my timeline and dates are listed below. The other friend of mine who applied in Feb. will be getting her interview on 4/Nov. So, the Newark timeline is quite steady N-400 application, it is about 9-10 months time frame to complete.

MY N-400 timeline:
File N-400: 22/Jan/2004
Check clear: 28/Jan/2004
received NOA: 27/Feb/2004 (priority date: 23/Jan/2004)
FP date: 24/Mar/2004
Received letter for interview: 28/July/2004
Interview and Oath: 14/Oct/2004
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