N-400 Member of any organization question


Registered Users (C)
If I am member of Project Management Institute (PMI), is it OK to say Yes in the form and list the name of the group.

Any professional organisation. If you dont put in AAA or IEEE or PMI the INS is not going to give you trouble but if you were a member of a say a hardline political party in your home country or something then there was a post on this board about one such guy from Pakistan who applied for CZ (hid the fact he was a member of some radical political party) , ended up in Federal court and got convicted!

Long answer short- better mention it if u are unsure. least u will establish credibility with the examiner
Thank you. Do I need to send a copy of the PMI membership with the N-400 application.

They don't ask for it.

Thus, the answer is: No.

You want to be extra paranoid (like many of us here...), then bring it to the interview. However, since PMI is just a professional organization it really has no significance to the interviewer, so stop worrying about it.

puli007 said:
If I am member of Project Management Institute (PMI), is it OK to say Yes in the form and list the name of the group.

Yes this is fine.
I also sent you a private message related to PMI. Please answer if you can. Thanks.