N-400 mailing error?


Registered Users (C)
I sent 2 seperate N-400 applications by certified mail to CSC,
It is more than a week now,
USPS website tracking does not show any update, other than mail accepted in my town.

I did not sent with return-receipt request,
would that cause a problem.

any other suggestions??

I also sent 2 applications recently with return reciept. Never got the return card for one of the applications but both of them were delivered per online tracking. I don't think return recipet is very important as long as you have online tracking. Until the mail is delieverd, USPS site won't say anything other than "item accepted in x town". I think you will see an online update today or tomorrow.
I would have sent the applications by regular mail and waited for the checks to be cashed. Hope your applications did make it to their destination.

My 2 cents.
leo4 said:
I sent 2 seperate N-400 applications by certified mail to CSC,
It is more than a week now,
USPS website tracking does not show any update, other than mail accepted in my town.

I did not sent with return-receipt request,
would that cause a problem.

any other suggestions??

Check to see if your checks have cashed. If not, wait 2-3 weeks and call the Service Center. If they have been cashed then wait....
correct address for CSC

What is the correct address for CSC?

I sent to
California Service Center
P.O. Box 10400
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-0400

The guide book M-476 says:

California Service Center
P.O. Box 10400
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1040

there is change in last 4 digits of zipcode.


leo4 said:
I sent 2 seperate N-400 applications by certified mail to CSC,
It is more than a week now,
USPS website tracking does not show any update, other than mail accepted in my town.

I did not sent with return-receipt request,
would that cause a problem.

any other suggestions??

I sent my N400 application to this address and N400 was received and processed.

California Service Center
P.O. Box 10400
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1040
My cheque got cashed,
So I am relieved that application reached USCIS,
Now for the rest of the wait.

Mailed to CSC 1/10,
Cheque cashed 1/22


leo4 said:
I sent 2 seperate N-400 applications by certified mail to CSC,
It is more than a week now,
USPS website tracking does not show any update, other than mail accepted in my town.

I did not sent with return-receipt request,
would that cause a problem.

any other suggestions??

The USPS is pretty good at delivering mail. They haven't quite mastered acting like a courier service yet though. I once sent something and not only did the tracking site say that it had never been delivered - it had no record of it ever having been mailed (though I did find out later it did arrive at its destination).

Relax, and give it a few weeks. This short wait is good practice - more waiting is in store for you.