N-400 : divorce decree from foreign country


New Member
Hi all.

I am getting ready for my citizenship interview in a few days.

I want to seek the input and advice of the members here on my past marriage. Details and questions are as follows :

- I got my GC through employment
- Marriage and divorce were both done in India. Divorce in India was by Mutual Consent and both ex-spouse and me attended hearing and final decision from judge

- divorce was completed last year

- ex spouse was also Indian citizen.

- I have the court certified copy of Indian divorce decree.
Decree is in English.

Is the Indian divorce decree sufficient for proof of my current marital status as divorced?

I included a scanned copy of this decree when I submitted my application and will carry the original copy to the interview.

I do not have any alimony owed (decree mentions no costs involved) and no children.

Not re-married since this divorce.

Please help me.