N-400 Continuous Residency Work Abroad (Tricky One)

This was just so unfair, and incorrect.

1.) You resurrected and highjacked someone else's thread that had come to an end.
2.) You have been shopping around for answers across various threads and forums and playing dumb about it.
3.) You complained about getting a direct response to the actual question asked.
4.) You refuse to accept the answers given.
5.) You are being lazy about following up on the references given.
6.) You are concentrating on finding a way to gain citizenship with an obvious ulterior motive and appear to lack any desire to actually become a part of American society.

Are you mad because you feel it’s not fair LPRs can go back and take jobs in their home country, when other Americans are having to suffer through the crisis here? You might think those LPRs are having the best of the two worlds. But let me tell you it is not that grand. It would be grand if you could have two places, but you actually have more like no place. At a disadvantage here in the US because the fact remains that you are a foreigner with a different native language and accent, and sometimes a difficult-to-pronounce name (at least that was the case for me). And then you are never well-established in your original country either, and especially so at the age of 40+.

Yes I did resurrect the thread. Please let me know if that was against the rules. But I posted on precisely the subject topic, I don't think it can be called "highjacking."